Many thanks to the BIGGEST Doctor WHO fan I know, BUGBEAR, for creating the Dalek as a ship for this mod!
Looking to see if it was updated since your last download? Check the version number above.
This is a VERY early release! Updates will follow as they happen. Update notes can be found in the readme file located in the base mod folder.
Download here
First galactic events added in v0.004! Obviously a knock off of give peace a chance but I wanted to make sure I had things right.

This is a new ideological event.

Checking to see how the GFX pan out in diplomacy.

I'm not very good with the ship designer but These make a decent placeholder.
Remove any old version of this mod before installing a new one. Unpack the zip file. Place the folder in your Documents\my games\GalCiv3\Mods folder.
Make sure you enabled Mods in the GalCiv3 in game options menu. When enabling mods you will NEED to restart GalCiv3.
Saves between versions may not be compatible. There is no guarantee that this mod pack will work with other mods. It is intended to be a solo run mod pack. Any complications from using multiple mod packs will not be supported. All rights reserved by their respective owners.
Please feel free to post comments, feedback, and suggestions.
The goal is simple. Allow the players to play Galactic Civilizations 3 while being immersed into the world of Doctor Who. Play as one of the races from the Doctor Who series. With the classic whovian twists you might expect to find while in the whoniverse. I'll admit this mod is mostly for me but I'm happy to share it with others. If your a fan, you really should check this out.
Currently looking for assistance with:
Ship style creation - Looking for a ship designer to help in filling the whoniverse with whovian ships.
Lore modifier - Minimal understanding of code needed. Can you alter display text to match the flavor of the Whoniverse?
Promise to not make any more whovian style references from this part of my post on.