Another poster reminded me recently that GCII had a list that included un-colonized on the left of the screen. I recall the list but I didn't find it helpful and therefore didn't look at it much. The new system of sending constructors got me thinking that a way to queue colony ships would be a great feature. This is particularly true when playing the new excessive, gigantic and insane maps with abundant settings. There are many ways this could be implemented. One way (probably not the best way)would be to include discovered, un-colonized planets on the go to list.
Yeah, we could use rally points but I am not a big fan of rally points as they work now.
Another little feature that I find myself wishing for is the ability to scroll through the shipyards like we can on the planet screens. It would also be helpful to have a button on the planet screen that would take you to the shipyard servicing that planet.
Little things like this are a sure sign that the game is coming along well. I have really enjoyed playing B5 and since the patch, I am not having any serious bug problems, although I am still not being warned about the pirates.
It doesn't matter because I always say go anyway. If my HP are too low I take the ship out of action until the HP are over 50%.
I have been very lucky with GCIII. I haven't had a CTDT is several weeks.