I'd say I concur with Kostiantyn, at least in the concept I mean..
Don't get me wrong, deskcapes is nice, even if my first attempt at an animated file got me a nice bad result. I'll have to retry !
Windowblinds is also very nice but buggy and incomplete, but I'm still using it with my own skin. Desktop X was nice too, but outdated. Widgets were nice, too bad Yahoo fired yahoowidget, but I'm still using it with some 'just they need to do' widgets. Of course users's themes are a security risk but this can be processed by any decent software maker/users relation for a quality product.
Sure there is rainmeter, I'm still using samurize but hey, who REALLY needs that much of information some desktops shows ? Really ?? Anyway... I'm also still using a Windows98 software unchallenged today : pop mouse. Even if it gives me 1 or 2 errors with x64 applications I still find it unvaluable.
You could add some software for transparancy, to organize, display, etc.... But they're all in the Wind ! They're fragmented, innefficient, unfit for the task of adding a layer between the data and the user in the forthcoming it seems of Microsoft pulling the curtain on Windows 8...
Just one last exemple... Jobs trew a nice (I know I've used it a lot in this post, it was just to give space for what that HAS to come) piece of software for the time, OpenStep used on it's cube machine by Next. It used a file manager calle the workspacemanager displaying the tree file on the horizontal axis, each folder in its separate pane. This is still used in mac os x in the finder. Of course apple bought next.
But today, when everything tends to point out that if our perception, our vision is somewhat a circle, it is surely not a vertical rectangle : 16/9 or 16/10, in my case with a 30" monitor, is more suitable to display on an horizontal rectangle much more data, else why set 2 or 3 horizontal monitors for immersive worlds ?