I dont mean to offense anyone but if you cannot handle
AIs, dont play against them.
I honestly think, that the issue here is not so much the AIs income, but that fact that is has become considerable smarter recently.
I dont understand several things here:
- You state that you are capable of holding your own in the game. And yet after FOUR hours of gameplay, you are incapable of helping your friends? I am sorry and I really dont mean any offense, but maybe you arent that far away from their skill level.
- For the topic of forming an alliance with the TEC AI: The TEC Rebels are bloodthirsty xenophobes on a roaring rampage of revenge against all aliens.... they maybe might form an alliance with the TEC Loyalists (Weaklings!
) but an alliance with Advent or Vasari is basically out of the question for them. Or would you ally with somebody who keeps saying that he want to see you dying, preferably in a slow and painful way?
It is possible to form an alliance with them.... but the only - reasonable - way to achieve this with an AI, who unlike a human TEC Rebel Player will not order his ships to cease fire when interested is to find its largest enemy at the moment and then beat the living shit out of it.
If you kill enough of their enemies, they in time will like you....
But is is a slow process and if you need allies quickly, they are an terrible choice, unless you are TEC yourself.
I disagree because the new AI is alienating new players.
Sigh... maybe this topic is true after all.... https://forums.sinsofasolarempire.com/445653/page/1/#3371972
Seriously... if you are brand new to a game you never played before.... you choose easy as an AI..... so that you can learn without being steamrolled within minutes.
Learning a new game, even one in a genre you played for years, WILL ALWAYS result in yourself getting your ass handed.
Now, if it was easy AI who gave you difficulty we maybe could speak about nerfing it.
But hard?
After all the - great - work they put into it?
No way!
BTW, similar meaning to "hard"
You dont defeat a severe bitter grim punishing AI with nothing, nor should you.
If easy is to easy for you, consider adding multiple AIs that team up against you. Same for normal.
I also want to point out, that there a lot of games where the difference between the AI settings is much more severe. For example Earth 2150,.... the first level was boring, the second one was a slight challenge in early game.... but the third level was murderous throughout the entire game.
I remember a LAN game, when it took 3 friends of mine to just CONTAIN the AI.... not speaking about defeating it, mind you.
Only with the combined strenght of 4 vs 1 and 2 hours of bloody battle we managed to defeat it.
AIs become better as development marches on.... with them being smarter they dont require insane amounts of cheating anymore to become a threat to the average player.
I really have trouble understanding those complaints..... nobody is demanding from you that you play on hard.
You should be grateful that the AI did become better.... making it smarter is one hell of a job.
If you survived Hard before 1.5, you should certainly be capable of surviving Normal now.
If you dont survive normal, you only survived hard before because the AI was making dumb mistakes.
Not that it doesnt do that anymore.... but it has become notable smarter....
And if you cannot handle normal..... you go down to easy.
Whats so difficult about that?