For the longest time the Warrior tree was dull and its only shining positive feature its active skills were hiding behind mutual exclusive traits (those trait were not technically excluding you from taking them, but they boosted different weapons and it would be a waste of trait points to take them all).
But rejoice! Today I present you the overhauled warrior trait tree! I used my amazing mspaint.exe skills to rearrange the skills and even swap one with another.
Here is the result and I will explain my choices, and why I think this is a better idea than the currect trait tree, below.

First of all, the biggest change is the rearrangement for our 3 active skills. Those are moved to the left so that you would be able to take them right from the start making Warrior an excellent choice for our battle hardened heroes. They grant you an enormous amount of utility which should be the warriors trademark.
After that you can decide to specialize in one particular weapon as every warrior does. You will not want to specialize to fast, as to first get an impression which end game weapon you later want to use, so there should be another choice.
You can take the Lethal path where you improve your skills with any weapon through your training over time (as is in our real world: everyone can learn a move (the actives) but only masters can make them deadly).
After a certain point your warrior is bitter from so much fighting and he "learns" to hate the opposing forces (Enmity). This allows your hero to then proceed in 3 different ways:
- Learn to work together with your allies (Pack tactics)
- Learn to steal the life from the enemy and take Revenge for your losses
- Learn to use your brutal force and become a recklessly angry barbarian who can deal with his uncontrolled rage.
After a certain point in time (level minimum e.g. 5) your hero is allowed to become "mighty" and then further advance through "discipline" to at last become so powerful that you can even overwhelm dragons with ease.
Might is new in the warrior tree and replaces the old Endurance which imo better fits with the defender.
Of course your hero will be able to take Chainmal and Platemail like before at a certain level minimum requisite.
In my opinion this tree is far more exciting than the current one. But please feel free to discuss my choices or make more interesting ability swap or arrangement suggestions.
Greetings, Nighthawk.