Quoting cardinaldirection,
Quoting Seleuceia, reply 4 Quoting psychoak, reply 3
Physicists are Mathematicians...
....with better hairstyles.
Hah, too true.
Agreed. Mathematicians became physicists because to be successful, its not enough to be intelligent, you must also be tall and have good hair
Physics is observable reality and Mathematics is one of the tools of observation and description of physical reality.
String theory, M theory, the Big Bang... .... it's hard to take anything you say seriously...
The rejection is only of String Theory with its 26 dimensions and Big Bang Theory, not of Quantum Mechanics. ECE Theory expands on Einstein's Field Equations to include Torsion and so Quantum Theory is derived from ECE Theory along with other physical laws
While going through an online calculus page, there was this
We come across numerous articles and “news” items agreeing with string theory or big bang theory, and the intensity of information adds up incrementally to such a magnitude that any alternate theory tends to be rejected out of hand.
This technique of “intensity” of information is also used by most news outlets. The communists / socialists / democrats are always shown with good headlines / pictures and the conservatives / capitalists are always shown alongwith a negative news item (eg “crony capitalism”)
Physics is WYSIWIG – What You See is What You Get
String Theory is WYTITWIRL – What You Theorize is Totally Worthless In Real Life
Yes, but Ozzy says 'God is dead'...
And Nietzsche said 'we have killed him'
Catholic church doesn’t really need to have this Big Bang Theory (BBT) millstone hanging around its neck. BBT was proposed by a catholic priest, which may explain the current support by the church. BBT depends on the expanding universe theory and so called observation of the Cosmic Background Radiation (CMB).
The idea of god may die with one of the following:
1. Humanity conquers death
2. Humanity goes to the stars and discovers an alien species
3. Aliens visit earth.
We cant do anything about 3), We are doing something about 1), and with Myron Evans ECE theory we may be able to do something about 2) - http://www.aias.us/documents/DeviceDev/VPwp06.pdf