I'm sure a lot of people already complained about this but it seems not enough, so I will bring this topic up again. The automatic road building sucks and I really can't understand why you would want such an element of annoyance in your game. There is probably a very good reason why no one had enough time to implement a better road buidling algorithm, but even if I knew the reason and no matter how good the reason was, it would make the situation not a bit less sucking. It just sucks and in every game I play the road building annoys me at some point. I really don't see why it has to stay this way, because there is already everything to solve the problem present in the game. The road buidling skill exists but it is a trait reserved for heros only, which I find even more annoying. Give this trait to pioneers or make a special engineers unit. A champion of roadbuilding is really nothing I want in my army, there are more important and more heroic things to do for my heroes. Really!
I really like the game. It is very good. I've played it for hundreds of hours and I plan to play much more. You really know hot to make an entertaining game, but I have to say, I'm playing this kind of games for over 20 years and a lot of them include road building. After all this time and serveral games you are the first devs that have managed to find a solution for road building that sucks. Nearly every game has the same solution for this, a solution that just works. You could easily do th same and make it something that just works, but the way it is currently it is just broken. Either fix the algorithm or give me engineers. The idea you had is not bad. Manually building roads is really nothing that is very entertaining. Automatic road building can be very conveniant, but the way it currently is, it is not. You implemented it only half, but it doesn't mean you get at least half the goodness of it, you just get a badly implemented feature. A source of annoyance that is totally unnecessary. Please free me of this pain. Thanks in advance.
Sorry for completely leaving out the detail what it specifically is that is my problem . As other people already said it is the fact that road often go through monster lairs without any necessity. The could most of the time be placed just on one of the surrounding tiles and not on the lair. It would be OK if I had a easy way to correct this, for example with engineers.
Another point that lets me dislike the automatic roads, is just a matter of taste. In terms of 'realisim' I can just can not understand what Uber-Ninja-Road-Workers are able to build roads straight through dargon lairs while the dragon is still present. That seems a bit strange.