I have two passes for DOTA 2 to give away.
Lets make this fun, first person come up with a fun game gets a pass, second pass goes to the winner.
Fun game for you - count your fingers with a hammer.
Nietzsche called it: "Counting with a hammer".
off to a good start but ill solicit other suggestions
unless you want to try for both passes...
I've got four to give away as well, so if you want one, just let me know.
Stewapet - I'll definitely take a pass if you have any left (sent you a PM just now as well).
Isn't DOTA 2 free though? I got it for free without signing up for anything.
It's free, but it's in beta as far as I know so you have to get an invite.
I still haven't received one from Valve.
geeze, take all the fun out of it
I have many if you want i can give free
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