Yes, interesting indeed.
I think there is a contributing correlation going on from big budget games (which are often well known and will sell fairly well regardless) being given above average reviews by reviewers, either because the reviewers have also bought into the hype, or because they will get fired if they don't (advertising dollars speak loudly).
Despite that I'm sure the basic relationship is correct, people try new things because they have heard good news about them, and the more good news going around the more people will buy it. The anchoring factor is also a big one.
My concern with FE being released so soon is that the large number of small bugs and glitches which persist will pull review scores from the 85-90% level down to the 75-80% level. Based on the EEDAR graphs that could easily hurt their sales by a factor of 3-5 which is massive.
We'll see. I hope I'm wrong but fear I am right.