Quoting Savyg, reply 9
Back on topic, I'm not funding the game but I'll definately buy it when it's out.
Or $25 buys a DRM-free version now, $45 buys the 1st expansion as well. Worth it, IMHO - the great single-player RPG is a rare thing these days, and Eternity looks like it'll be a really interesting escape - free from publisher confines of making a family-friendly, xyz-stereotyped, form-fitting D&D game.
Agreed. It's just $25 to get a digital copy of the game plus a couple goodies. You can pledge a lot more of course if you want more goodies. They've said it will probably be a $35-$40 game on release. And $20 add-on for the 1st expansion (which they will fund themselves from sales of PE and their own money, that extra $20 will go to fund the main game) is a great deal as well. It will be a full on expansion as it was 10-15 years ago, not this DLC crap of today.
I personally have pledged $50 for extra goodies plus Expansion and Strat Guide add-ons. I'm considering upping it to a box. I *really* want the cloth map but not sure I can invest that much. But I may just spring for it.
Currently approaching 3.3 million with just a bit over a day left. If we hit 3.5 million we'll get a 2nd large city. Looks really good we'll get there. They will be doing a live stream all day tomorrow for the countdown.
Seriously...$25 for what looks to be an awesome looking game. Worth it.