I have a socio-political economic idea and I want to know what the SoaSE community thinks about it, here's an overview:
Social: All shall be considered equal under the law
It's one thing to say this, it's another to apply it. Some lawyers are better than others, some demographics are more tolerant then others. Unless you plan on instituting a computerized artificial intelligence for the judiciary system that is 100% predictable, and socializing all aspects of the judiciary system, all this is really is lip service, parrot talk. A better outlook is to determine the problems with current judicial systems and advance them. You'll find that most of the problem in the judiciary stem from humans being stupid, petty and vengeful creatures.
scientists and artists shall be seen as pillars of society
Just exactly how do you force people to like those who are disinterested in the society they are supposed to be the pillars of? Have you met a scientist or artist at the top of their fields or someone in the top intelligence bracket? I can tell you, they can't relate to normal people... which is fine unless you try and force them to.
People may do what they want as long as their actions don't harm others or go against their consent
Again more lip service... the human condition is far more complicated. There is no free will, and negative incentive has proven to be ineffective at altering behavior. Humans are positive incentive driven, and every human has different perceptions on incentive. Basically good luck solving the original problem... someone performing an action which turns out to be a mistake, being taken advantage of after the mistake, and then harboring resentment....
A better approach, if you want to force radical change for the better, would be something more like a new selfishly-alturistic set of laws. That is to say obvious win-loss interactions are set up to be against the law, and what is ideally incentivized is win-win interactions.
scientists and bioethicists shall create laws regarding personal liberty
They already do... unless you are thinking something of a more specific criteria
Political/governance: the government shall be a meritocracy all leaders shall be decided by rigorous qualification tests
You cannot measure things like critical thinking, creativity and fore-site etc... these are things that great leaders demonstrate after they rise to the position of leader. All this really is doing is stacking the deck towards mediocrity and stagnation. Basically you're removing an important part of why democracy works... the ability to vet a potential leader to the public. You're also ensuring interference and indoctrination by forces outside of government when determining what the merits actually are... especially in today's age of requiring specialization over generalization.
We should be moving away from a hierarchical leadership doctrine and into a more team based approach.
eg: Dear public, here are the 5 coordinators and their qualifications to run team such and such for governmental administration. Vote for us and not that other team.
the national leader shall have absolute political power
Not big on history? You realize that every evil dictatorial bastard perpetrator of crimes against humanity was able to take by force, exactly what you propose to dole out for free without resistance?
I can tell you, I prefer the US system over a parliamentary system (a step towards what you propose) any day. You may be angry at the lack of bi-partisanship in the US... but what is a true circus freak show is having neo-cons and liberals share 100% absolute power, to implement what they want, on and off every few years.
if said leader screws the nation and uses their political power for the benefit of themselves, they shall be removed from office
Hitler is not the only example of why this is impossible. Checks and balances work just fine... except when they are eroded by forces that have no business meddling in politics (namely the bankers and business "leaders")
Economic: No currency
Everyone shall have basic housing,food (vegetables and fruit only),drink (water only),lighting only at night, and basic healthcare (preventive care and induced abortions)
If one wants access to luxuries they will have to work, luxuries include: Internet access, television, radio, meat (in a limited amount), recreational drugs (in a limited amount) including alcohol,tobacco and marijuana, firearms (handguns only), access to education (in this case, people can educate themselves using their Internet access with educational/scientific sites), access to better healthcare, and 24-hour electricity.
This is just downright scary...
Economics works, centrally planned, currency free economies do not.