(Btw you know of World of WarCraft right? Do you realize that a good 40-80% of the content in each expansion is really rehashed content from the previous base game? Models... Items... Abilities... save for the few they do create new tech for... it is ALL built off the same previous content. They make billions if not trillions of dollars and they don't even TRY to make unique stuff so yeah... don't fret too much about it)
This is the single biggest reason to despise blizzard. Gamers pay a premium price for sub-premium service(yet even as sub prime, its better then most games made today). Reminds me of my ISP.
The only reason I support stardock and ironclad is that they have in the past and will in the future provide some actual competition in the video game market by making great games. But since there are so few well designed games out there, I HAVE to play blizzard products as well, and endure their underlying annoying game design idealogy.
In reality, the game industry is the way it is because big money wanted to infiltrate the game market(to make loads of cash), and they did so the best way big money knows how. Buy out the best, combine the best, invest shitloads of cash into it so that there is no real quality competition, and profit excessively because you are the main provider of the "thneed"(dr. suess reference). Its a tried and true ancient battle plan that will always be relevant as long as people compete for resources.
Gamers get angry at other developers for not providing them with the same quality of merchandise, yet at the same time the developers themselves aren't creative enough (due to legal constraints, mainly loss of control of their product) to create new cashflows, because their specialty isn't in creating new cashflows, its in game design. I am not insulting them by any means, as I consider creating new cashflows to be the enterprise of dull, boring individuals. But that's my own personal bias.
Having a lot of money means you can hire entire teams of people to incorporate much more cashflow into your game. Teams of boring cashflow creators.
To me, an angry gamer is a trukula tree(dr. suess reference, same story as before), the trust can be regrown over time but the reaper has already come for it. Other game designers get upset by how the market is because in all reality, blizzard's/EA's exploitation of the market has trained gamers to want more for their money. Game companies that can provide this (stardock/Ironclad) will do well in this market. Gamers that want more for their money will be the gamers that will buy blizzards TITAN mmo. They are completely in control of the mmo market.
Blizzard has a good position, yet the problem with being one of the top dogs is that ANY game company that starts to make good games will be a threat.
Sins doing well is a threat to their attempted monopoly, as it could revive the importance of RTS game play by actually evolving the game genre past blizzards simple starcraft 2 (same as starcraft 1, with a shiny coat of paint). This provides competition in the marketplace which will ensure that game players will get more for their money's worth. When there isn't competition gamers lose, and we are all forced to live with mediocrity. This trickles down into other areas of our lives and could be used effectively as a social "glass ceiling". I'm not by any means suggesting that this is the ONLY glass ceiling out there, i'm just pointing out that another ceiling is being made.
As for the efficacy of this social glass ceiling, the jury is still out. This is a social experiment by big money interests to ensure that the class system is maintained, with them at the top. You can prove this yourself by creating a viable new control scheme and prove to the ruling class that you can provide another form of control for them to exploit. You will get more funding you desire. Yet so few of us are in a position to do this that the experiences of this form of business isn't widely known, and people go on avoiding the fact that big brother is watching you. I'm going to add a line to that famous quote (from the book 1984), Big brother is holding you back, intentionally.
food for thought.