Hello, forgive me if I'm posting on the wrong thread here, is there a better place to supply feedback on FE beta 3 version .915? Also, I apologize if I'm repeating issues and bugs already addressed elsewhere.
OK, so I'm one of the people that got the free download due to the dissapointment of the original Elemental. I played the original extensively and have played FE all three betas extensively thus far. Unfortunately I always break weak and choose to play instead of finding a place to offer feedback, until now. That and I'm not experienced at gametesting and reporting, so please bear with me.
Perhaps I am alone in this opinion, but after playing FE so much and then reading a few forums on people's experience, I wonder if too much focus is still being put on the begining of the game? Even with the many bugs (many less than there used to be, though, which is nice) I usually choose to forge ahead and keep playing until the game eventually becomes unstable and keeps crashing, which still happens every game when played on a large map with four or more opponents? I am yet able to finnish a complete game on Expert or Ridiculous due to the game crashing (getting too overburdened with everything?) unless I quickly conquer my opponents as described below. With that said, let me just say that I love this game and am still hopeful for the potential that is here.
In no particular order, some observations and thoughts:
Someone already mentioned this, but it is sooooo frustrating that I shall repeat it... during many animated battle screens (some with only a few enemies and only one champion or sov) it slows way way down to the point of ruining the experience and making continuing pointless. Is this a memory leak? I don't know, but its a dealbreaker because watching the animated battle is so much of the fun of this game. It does seem to happen more frequently later in the game.
The AI seems improved in many ways, especially on Expert and above. However, it seems utterly unable to deal with any terraforming magic such as created mountains or raising land bridges... I easily beat the AI when utilizing this magic, which takes the fun out of it. The most irritating bug when using terraforming magic is that the display on the cloth map becomes rendered horribly inaccurately, forcing a game exit and reboot to render the spell changes to the landscape correctly.
As someone else stated, this is very situational, and while pleasingly balanced in some situations, the AI is not in many others. Here are a few more scenarious that the game is easy to get ahead on... playing a Beastlord sov with Natural Leader trait and a kingdom/empire trait of Master Scouts and Betrayers. Playing a sov equipped with Porciphine's Crown makes it even easier. Although one bug is that sometimes after saving a game and then returning to it later, the AI "forgets" about my Master Scout ability and everything starts attacking my peeps, which I'm not set up for strategically since they're not supposed to be LOL. Utilizing existing terrain to my advatage (a la Sparta's 300) is often too easy, the AI just keeps sending hordes against me since it seems to only read the number score that says it is stronger than me.
Although I noticed a few more dialogue tidbits in the last update, I still cringe all too often when our sovs or the opponent sov reps share in discourse. For example, the all too often said "it will be your head on a pike" shows up when it really doesn't make any sense, such as when first meeting a new faction. As this flavor text was such an entertaining part of GAL CIV II its such a shame to be so lackluster thus far here.
Should a faction I am currently at war with still offer to trade tech with me? Is it advantageous to trade in the same tech, such as when they offer to trade 37 magic for 37 magic?
IMHO shouldn't there be a range limit (based on a unit's visibility) to powerful spells such as Earthquake? Like having a recon team on the ground to "paint" the target city with a laser target for the missile lauched from 100 miles away lol? If I've ever been able to see a city on the map, it seems I can target it indefinitely from then on whether I have units close by or not. Seems too easy.
It would be nice to see what a champion has equipped when in a trade screen with my sov or another champion, so I know what I should be giving them. Also to see what their traits are (such as warrior, mage, assassin, etc) so I give them the best gear.
Its a bit frustrating, (but acceptable if this is intentional for the sake of the faction alignment) that when able to recruit champions from either faction, even though I now have units who can use death and life magic, I can only harvest one or the other type of shard but not both.
The biggest frustration with the newest version is just that it crashes once I reach a certain point deep into the game (sometimes within forty turns, but usually not until several hundred turns or more), with no discernible pattern other than theres just too much going on for the game to handle. Once I've reached that point, I can exit and restart the game any number of times but it still will crash, and almost always on the same turn.
Please advise if this is the type of helpful info you are looking for, and I will continue to post more as I have been compiling a list of stuff (that I foolishly didn't make sure I had readily handy when I started writing this post). If I'm addressing points that aren't of much concern to most others then feel free to let me know, I won't get all butt hurt lol. Oh, and I am definitely of the Goonies generation. Great reference lol.