You should read Cory Doctorow --> True Names, (short story with Benjamin Rosenbaum) in Fast Forward 2, edited by Lou Anders, ISBN 978-1-59102-692-1, 2008
The premise is three separated type 2 civilization, bordering type 3. Beebe is an unstable forked process of the universe caretaker Demihurg.
Both Demihurg and Beebe are able to talk with sentient but don't really play on the same time scale, any one trying to grasp either Beebe or Demihurg would be rendered crazy most probably.
Both are self replicating machines bent on destroying anything that is aggressive to the surrounding, (terraforming, etc) for different purpose. Beebe seeks to create a type 4 civilization, in this destroying everything and anything to convert it to a copies of it self where and Demihurg is satisfied with cultivating the universe for other races, etc, with only 10% of it being Demihurg. (rebel and loyalist)
Both reside in phase space where the most amount of computation without heat dissipation issue allowed. Beebe and Demihurg where pretty happy to wage war against each other until the young race stumbled into phase space and created Bortingras by error.
During a meeting of minds between Beebe and Demihurg to try and for the X time in so many billions years, the Vasarie copie what they tough was random data, what they capture would become Bortingras. A ultimate weapon, a ultimate self replicating machine with no possible variation and a single goal, destroy all matter because it was the current algorithm understudy by Beebe and Demihurg, their eventual demise. They would consume everything in there war and never win, eventually becoming Bortingras anyway but in billions of year.
Now both Beebe and Demihurg are nearly destroyed, only Bortingras is coming, and one of the prime directive of Bortingras is to stop every sentient being from accessing phase space and therefore making Bortingras invincible and able to finish the greater design of a type 5 civilization, total universe servitude.