Released on 4/19/2012
New Features:
+ Altar- Gets access to the Athican Leather Curiass (increased defense and fire resistance), Fending Blade (shortsword that increases Dodge) and the Athican Longsword (longsword that allows 2 counterattacks per turn). All Altar units get +10% experience.
+ Resoln- All wraith units get -1 hit point per level but heal a hit point each time they kill an opponent.
+ Tarth- Tarth units get +2 to Attack an Initiative when in armies of 3 or smaller. Tarth has access to the Heartwood Shortbow (higher attack and initiative than a normal shortbow), Ithuane Longbow (higher attack and initiative than a normal longbow and it doesn’t require metal) and the Ram's Horn Longbow (high attack and initiative than the Yew Longbow, it doesn't require metal and it has 50% armor piercing). All tarth units can move though forests, swamps, hills and rivers at normal movement rates. Tarth crafts Masterwork chainmail instead of Plate Mail at Heavy Armor. Masterwork Chainmail doesn't provide as much defense but is lighter and quicker to produce.
+ Krax- Krax units are +10 Defense when under 50% of their hit points. Krax has access to 1 handed versions of all the craftable spears. Karavox gains the Silver Tongue ability which allows him flip trained units to his side in tactical combat by spending influence. Krax also gets the Bronze Shield, a round shield that gives additional Dodge vs Ranged attacks.
+ Magnar- All Quendar units get 25% Fire Resistance. Magnar can craft Scar Stones which give their units +1 fire attack. They have access to the Cull the Weak (sacrifice a unit in combat to heal the caster and recover some mana), Death Lash (boost a units stst in combat but the unit is killed at the end of combat) and Candlecloak (you army is wreathed in fire, damaging any that attack them) spells. Men or Fallen units defeated by Magnar are added as population to their cities. Magnar can train slave units that are cheap, and weak but don't require wages. Magnar cannot construct growth improvements (inns, festivals, etc)
+ Gilden- All Ironeer units have +1 hit points per level and +30 Spell Resistance. It costs 50% more mana for them to cast tactical spells. Markin improves the defense of all gilden units by 25%. Gilden crafts Light Plate Mail at Armor instead of Chain Mail. Light Plate Mail has a better defense than chain mail but is heavier and harder to produce. Gilden upgrades their units for half the normal cost. Gilden has access to the Golem Shield (an increidably heavy tower shield), War Club (a club with an additional attack bonus vs men and fallen), the Battle Hammer (a warhammer with higher attack) and the Sledge (a one handed Maul). Gilden can construct Iron Golem units that have a very high defense and hit points, but a weak attack (compared to their production cost).
+ Pariden- All Amarian units get a bonus to their stats based on the shards you control. Pariden gets access to the Sindarian Staff (which gives bonus dodge) and the Leht staff (which fires lightning). Pariden has access to the Tome of the Inferno, Tome of the Mountain, Tome of the Waves and Tome of the Wind, which add the Fire Apprentice, Earth Apprentice, etc abilities to the unit that uses them. These tomes are unlocked at the Sorcery tech. (it's worth a trip to Pariden cities if you are on good terms with them and they unlocked Sorcery to buy some tomes for your champions).
+ Yitrhil- All trogs get +20 weight capacity. Yithril trained units start off at 2nd level. Yithril cannot use ranged weapons but they get access to the Trog Battleaxe (a Battleaxe with armor piercing) and the Great Axe (a Great Sword replacement with higher attack and backswing). Verga's Warlord background also gives -50% to unit wages.
+ Added the Autodefend ability- whenever a unit doesn't use their attack action (casting a spell, attacking, anything except moving) they are "Defending" and get a bonus to Defense. The amount of this bonus can be modified by traist or equipment (like shields)
+ Added the Tribute treaty- Offer to pay a percent of your income to an AI player to avoid war or push an AI player to pay you tribute each turn
+ Added the Surrender treaty- Force a player to concead, destroying their empire and giving you their sovereign as a champion in your service
+ Knowledge Trading- Everytime you research a tech 10% of that techs cost is added to your Military, Civilization or Magic knowledge (depending on what type of tech it was). This knowledge can be traded to other players (or traded from them) and is added as free resource to a random tech you could research in that category.
+ Added the Amulet of Haste item- craftable accessory, +2 initiative
+ Added the Belt of Speed item- craftable accessory, +1 initiative
+ Added the Enchanted Hammers spell- +3 prod per material in the target city
+ Added the Defender levelup traits- bonus to the defensive bonus when autodefending
+ Added the Lethal levelup traits- They increase attackget unit, but that unit is killed t the end of battle
+ Added the Silence spell- target unit cant cast spells for 3 turns, unless they resist
+ Added the Bless City spell- Reduces the unrest in the city, it can be cast multiple times but has a very high mana cost
+ Added the Urxen blood trait which gives +2 Attack when in armies of 5 or more
+ Added the Broken Spirit trait (for surrendered sovereigns)
+ Added the Assassins Tools faction ability- Gives access to the Poison Vial (additional poison damage on every attack), Scimitar (lognsword with counterattack and backswing) and the Skath Claw (Broadsword with increased attack and initiative)
+ Added the Potential 1, 2 and 3 champion levelup traits (increased xp)
+ Added Spell Resistance 2 and 3 champion levelup traits
+ Added the Monument improvement (+1 ZoC)
+ Added the Bazaar, an improvement unlocked by the Legacy of Serrane faction ability that gives +10% gold
+ Added the Gift of Iron spell (tactical spell that stoneskins your entire army)
+ Changed Accuracy to be a straight percentage chance to hit an opponent, minus the defenders dodge. Also did the same for Spell Mastery versus Magic Resist, which are essentially magic accuracy and magic dodge (respectively).
+ Added the Ring of Life- craftable accessory, +3 Hit points
+ Added the Tidal Wave spell- do high damage to enemy armies that are near water
+ Added the Treasury Vault improvement- World achievement, +1% interest on the treasury every turn
+ Every player gets their own worker thread (aka: performance ++)
+ Added the Immune to Counterattack trait
+ Added the Counterspell spell- Allows you to cancel a spell in the process of being cast (unless the target resists)
+ Units from resources (ogres, skaths etc) are now spawned automatically from the resources instead of being trained in cities
+ Added the Smelter improvement- +50% metal
+ Added the Foundry improvement- +50% crystal
+ Added a Strategic version of the Wellspring spell (heals all units in an army)
+ New type of damage: Ping. This is when a unit hits another unit, is stopped by armor but still does 1 tactical battle damage. (Ping damage displayed as "Klink" in battle)
+ Added the Alchemy tech
+ Added the Book of Flames, Book of Stones and Book of Frost techs- they have a 33% chance of appearing each game and they unlock spells of their type
+ Added the Dispel Enchantment spell- dispels random curse on target city
+ Added the Flame Wave spell- does fire damage to all enemies
+ Added the Frozen Bones spell- lowers the initiative of all units in target city (curse)
+ Added the Incinerate City spells- does damage to all units in target city (curse)
+ Added the Token of the Wolf- item that summons a wolf to join you
+ Added the Iron Works improvement- World achievement, Increases faction prestige by 1 and research by 2 per material
+ Added the Conclave improvement- Requires 30 influence to build, increases faction prestige by 1 and research by 10%.
+ Added the Alchemist Lab improvement- Converts 1 crystal to 0.5 metal and 0.5 influence per turn.
+ Added the Cleric improvement- Requires 10 crystal, reduces unrest and increases city growth.
+ Added the Festival improvement- Increases growth by 2 when city is idle, requires 20 diplomatic capital (this should probably be a player achievement)
+ Added the Sage improvement- faction achievement, provides 1 research plus a 10% research for city
+ Added the Scholar's Guild improvement- faction achievement, Increases city research by 25% when city is idle. Requires diplomatic capital.
+ Added the Spit Fire ability- Ignys ability to breath fire
+ Added the Aegis Robe- Magical robe that offers reasonable defense
+ Added the Dark Wizard lair and an upgraded version
+ Added the Beastlord sovereign background- Allows the player to use the Tame spell to try to capture anything with a Beast race
+ Added raze outpost action, and hooked up hotkey "X" to raze a selected outpost if applicable
+ Added the Hobble ability- Normal attack that slows the victim for 3 turns
+ Added the Frostborn trait- Slows victims that are struck
+ Added the Order of Asok Lair- Occasionally spawns troublesome knights, players that capture and build camps here can recruit knights
+ Added the Secluded Pool goodie hut- heals units that visit
+ Players can also recruit Hunters from mercenary camps
+ Added the Call Slag spell- Summons a slag into battle
+ Added the Call Uteran spell- Summons a great cave bear into battle
+ Added the Chain Lightning spell- Does a random amount of lightning damage to all enemies with an area of effect
+ Added the Demonic Ally spell- Summons a demon into battle
+ You can now equip items from the found item popup
+ Lots of things I'm sure I've forgotten
+ Added loot to the Ignys lair
+ Modified some costs so that loot is worth more
+ Default max army size reduced from 5 to 4
+ Alchemist quest gives an Ophidian instead of crystal
+ Added +2 Research per turn to Inspiration
+ Spearman gained through a quest have been pimped out
+ Kulan loses the Quick and Cruel traits
+ Archers gained through a quest have been pimped out
+ Chosen have lowered tech requirements
+ Spears moved from Standing Army to Training
+ Max accessories reduced from 4 to 3
+ Administration and Cooperation gain +1 army size
+ Training loses +1 army size
+ Arcane Mastery unlocks the Tireless March spell (+1 moves for the effected army)
+ Acrobat ability gives +2 Dodge per Level
+ Deflect Missiles gives +20 Dodge vs ranged attacks instead of +5
+ Discipline gives +1 Spell Resistance per level and +1 Accuracy per level
+ Dodge bonuses from the Guardian ability have been increased
+ Loremaster 3 gives +4 research instead of +3
+ Medic requires 3rd level
+ Prodigy gives +5/10/15 to spell mastery instead of +3/4/5
+ Vital Strike 3 gives +4 to critical chance and +40% crit damage
+ Iron golems can't ride mounts (peta complained)
+ Reduced Wither to -1 attack instead of -2
+ Reduced metal costs on armor slightly
+ Increased the initiative of Banished Ogres
+ Reduced the frequency of crystal from 2 per player to 1.5 per player
+ Increased distances between resources slightly
+ Reduced shards slightly
+ Attunement trait gives +2 mana per turn instead of +40 mana
+ Adepts faction ability gives + 40 mana
+ All players start the game with 40 mana
+ Hunter sovereign background gives +50% attack vs Beasts instead of +25%.
+ Scholars tech gives +10% research along with starting with the Knowledge tech
+ Changed city building so that tiles must be adjacent (diagnol is not adjacent)
+ Trainer ability gives +5%, 10% and 15% xp to the army instead of +10%, 15% and 25%
+ Champion Alisa gains the Bash ability
+ Champion Badra starts with the Potential ability
+ Champion Hannis gets Bash instead of Charge
+ Champion Craul Gravehands gets Bash instead of Tough and Strength
+ Champion Irieal gets the True Strike ability
+ Champion Kunsetti Kava gets the Crushing Blow ability
+ Champion Lith Seratta gets the True Strike ability
+ Champion Magar gets the Underdog ability
+ Champion Miruca gets the Water1 ability
+ Champion Othollo gets the Potential 1 and 2 ability and loses Vital Strike
+ Champion Shannon of Vurthela gets the Quick ability
+ Champion Vaerwynn gets the Life2 ability
+ Champion Kallus Hairto gets the Dodge 1 ability
+ Champion Nochd Nightbringer gets the Lethal 1 ability
+ Champion Miredesi gets the Evoker ability
+ City level 2 happens at 40 population instead of 60 population
+ Libraries give +20% research instead of +10%
+ Schools give +20% research instead of +10%
+ Increased min traits from 3 to 4
+ Increased the casting cost of Blight
+ Champions don’t have staves anymore, who wants to recruit a guy with a stick
+ Defender preconstructed units all get the Defender and Tough traits
+ Path of the Assassin gives +1 crit chance per level instead of +3 crit chance
+ Path of the Defender gives +1 hit point per level instead of +10 hit points
+ What does a pastry filled with fruit or meat and 3.14159 have in common?
+ Path of the Mage no longer gives +3 spell mastery
+ They are both pie
+ Apiary, Watermill and Orchard moved from Restoration to Agriculture
+ Berserk spell now boosts attack but does damage to the target every turn
+ The Monks Staff also allows a counterattack
+ Removed weight and added minor defense value to magical robes
+ Added influence costs to all the monster recruitment camps
+ Compasses now grant normal movement for the army in forests and swamps
+ Changed Calm (Life and Water) to Devotion (Life and Fire)
+ Mantle of Oceans now requires water 2 and life 2 instead of water 4
+ Quendar Warg Riders switched to slaves
+ Tarth scout is hidden in the setup lists (since all tarth units are effectively scouts)
+ Civics increases Faction Prestige by +1
+ City hubs get archer defenders at city level 2
+ Rebalanced all armor and weapon weights.
+ Bakeries now increase the food per grain by 2 in every city
+ Band of the Berserker gives +3 Attack and does 1 damage per turn the unit is in tactical
+ Rebalanced all monsters to magnify strengths and weaknesses. Resistance and vulnerability to different damage types, counterattacks, immune to counterattacks, critical chance and other differentiators have been liberally spread around
+ Adventurer’s Boon trait gives +10 hit points
+ All swords have counterattack
+ Spears make the wielder immune to counterattack
+ Darkling Shaman, Dark Wizards, Troll Shamans, Haunters, Wilding Shamans and Ritualists can cast counterspell
+ Increased Slow penalty from -2 to -4 to init
+ Increased Stoneskin from +2 (+3 per earth shard) to defense to +10 (+5 per earth shard)
+ Tremor removes all Dodge from effected target instead of -4 to Defense
+ Moved the Boar Spear from Weaponry to Blacksmithing
+ Added <MinTurnsToConstructOrTrain> to ElementalDefs.xml, set to 3, to define the number of turns a unit or improvement must be in production, regardless of the production per turn of the city
+ Rage gives +8 attack when under 25% hit points (instead of +3 str and dex when under 50% hit points)
+ Chain mail gives +100% defense vs cutting (instead of +50%)
+ Plate mail gives +100% defense vs blunt (instead of +50%)
+ Battle Cry allows all your units to act immediately
+ Blindness gets 1 casting time and reduces accuracy and dodge by 50% (instead of 25%)
+ Confusion causes a unit to do full damage to itself
+ Curse and Mass Curse gain 1 casting time and remove all the targets defense for 3 turns
+ Deadly Bite has a 5 turn cooldown and does triple damage (instead of 3 turns and double damage)
+ Champion Diruna and Gayln gain the confusion ability
+ Sion’s now require Influence to train
+ Selling items back to the shop reduces the value to 10% (was 50%).
+ Modified the tactical map choosing code to be less inclined to choosing larger tactical maps
+ Constructing on remote resources now costs 10 gold
+ Most improvements no longer have any maint. costs
+ Barracks requires 10 metal to construct, increases initaitive by 2. No upkeep cost.
+ Barracks requires training to construct.
+ Bell Towers no longer increase ZOC
+ Brewery Maint. cost reduced from 3 per turn to 1 per turn.
+ ZOC increases now only occur by city level or in explicit improvements.
+ Command Posts require 10 metal to construct, maint reduces from 2 to 1.
+ Merchants provide 1 gildar per material
+ Palaces, Tower of Dominion and Theaters no longer increase the ZoC
+ Spears do 33% armor piercing, Boar Spears do 50% and Pikes do 66% (formorlly all were 66%)
+ Clay PIts are more common
+ Gold Deposits are less common
+ Switched the place of Logistics and Drills to move 5 man groups later in the tree
+ The Snake Oil quests doesn’t give a magic item anymore (since the chest will already have one)
+ Diplomat ability also starts the player with some influence
+ Token of the Best Friend gives a level 2 instead of a level 1 dog
+ Token of the Golem gives a level 3 instead of a level 2 sand golem
+ Reduced darkling warriors and wilding warriors to crude spears instead of spears
+ Increased the level from the Bandits gained from the Bandit Lord sovereign background from 1 to 2
+ Increased the bonus mounts given vs ranged attacks
+ Increased the mana cost of Birth of Summer and Bloom of Twilight
+ Champion Drakmir gains the Hobble ability
+ Champion Irsa starts with an Ignys Longbow instead of an Axe
+ Champion Norak starts with a Longbow instead of a Broadsword
+ Champion Rittresa starts with Water 2, Forstborn and a Ring of the Glacier instead of Earth 1 and a Ring of Embers
+ Champion Thannata starts with a Lightning Longbow instead of a Shadow Dagger
+ Amount of quest locations spawned in the world is now modified by the number of players (so that less are on smaller maps and more are on large maps)
+ Impulsive requires Path of the Assassin
+ Reduced the base level of the Shadow Warg from 3 to 2
+ Champion Adant Verris gains the Chain Lightning ability
+ Champion Arando gains 2 Defender guards
+ Champion Arvyn gains 2 Defender guards
+ Champion As a’Zoth gains 2 Battleborn guards
+ Champion Bibiyana gains an Assassin Demon guard
+ Champion Csilla starts with Impulsive
+ Champion Edmynn gains 2 Blades of Athica guards
+ Champion Evgenya gains a Fire Elemental guard
+ Champion Fairgenn gains 2 Mage guards
+ Champion Fairgenn gets a Legendary Longsword instead of a Longsword
+ Champion Giavanna gains 2 Mage guards
+ Champion Gwenneth gains 2 Ice Warg guards
+ Champion Hergettia gains a Slag guard
+ Champion Hergettia gains the Call Slag ability
+ Champion Hyargu the Loremaster gains a Death Demon guard
+ Champion Hyargu the Loremaster gains the Demonic Ally ability
+ Champion Linnaid gains a Cave Bear guard
+ Champion Linnaid gains the Call Uteran ability
+ Champion Lochar gains a Fire Elemental guard
+ Champion Magyushk the Adept gains an Assassin Demon guard
+ Champion Mayriam gains 2 Ignys guards
+ Champion Naegach the Stonecutter gains a Cave Bear guard
+ Champion Naegach the Stonecutter gains the Call Uteran ability
+ Champion Nikonus gains 2 Soldier guards
+ Champion Ninues gains 2 Clan of the Crow guards
+ Champion Njodur gains 2 Oak Guard guards
+ Champion Norii the Quick gains a Plaguestalker guard
+ Champion Norii the Quick gains the Chain Lightning ability
+ Champion Nosmina gains an Ice Elemental guard
+ Champion Pralius gains the Call Slag ability
+ Champion Rhyllida gains 2 Chosen guards
+ Champion Rittresa gains 2 Defender guards
+ Champion Rostya gains 2 Unfalling Legion guards
+ Champion Roydrik gains 2 Destiny's Guard guards
+ Champion Lady Sculla gains 2 Chosen guards
+ Champion Soldaig the Undefeated gains 2 Chosen guards
+ Champion Sullene gains 2 Darkling Warrior guards
+ Champion Tann the Dragonborn gains a Drake guard
+ Champion Thannata gains 2 Ignys guards
+ Champion Tsomok the Blade gains 2 Harbingers of War guards
+ Champion Uze Terraki the Edar gains 2 Mire Skath guards
+ Champion Vallindo gains 2 Baron guards
+ Champion Verette gains a Defender and Archer guard
+ Champion Yamira gains 2 Silver Swordsmen guards
+ Increased the init penalty on bows by 2
+ Champion Endis Steelhand can now build roads
+ Champion Gaylyn the Gray can now build roads
+ Rebalanced weapon damage increasing the amount between tiers, blubs do less, tier 1 does slightly less, tier 2 does slightly more, tier 3 does significantly more
+ Rebalanced weapon production, generally going down (if you have access to better weapons, you should use them)
+ Champions can now be recruited if they are adjacent to one of your cities
+ Resist Cold, Fire, Lightning and Poison show up in unit atrr’s now
+ Faction-specific equipment is now displayed on the choose sovereign screen
+ Changed the metal color of Gilden, Magnar, Capitar and Resoln
+ New Magnar skin color
+ New Magnar heads and horns
+ Ogres occasionally roar on the main map and wolves occasionally howl
+ Lots of new spell effects
+ Made it so that hitting the ESC key will dismiss the battle resolution window
+ Made it so that hitting ESC will dismiss city details wind
+ Increased margin for screen threshold to move the camera on a selected unit
+ Slowed animation speed on auto-resolve
+ If visible, monsters and other players will use quick battle instead of instant battle (so you'll see the battle on the screen)
+ New Splash Screen
+ Recruitment gold doesn’t show a decimal anymore
+ Any place where a single unit's (not army's) or unit type's attack stat is shown, it now uses the icon of the primary attack type, with physical attack types getting precedence if there is a tie
+ In most places where a single unit's or unit type's defense display stat is shown, it now shows a green-backed icon if there is a physical sub-type with a higher defense value that piercing, and a green-backed icon if there is a lower one
+ The Tarth have been forced to hand over their semi-colons
+ Removed metal colors from the custom sovereigns (so they inherit from the faction)
+ New item type info card and unit defense stat breakdown info card
+ The raze sound effect is played when one of your units razes another player's improvements now
+ Fixed lots of Entering Foreign Territory tags since now they offer the choice to leave or declare war
+ Fixed numerous quest typoes and misppelings
+ Switched to updated road graphics (skips the lowest level one) so they are more visible on the map
+ Thinner outlines (from 4.7 to 2.0 centi-pixels)
+ New and higher resolution terrain textures (partial replacement, we have more to do here)
+ We automatically anti-alias specific screens
+ Removed skin and metal color form all preconstructed units (so they use the factions instead)
+ Diplomatic Capital is now called Influence
+ Added a notification for when a champion is no longer immobilized.
+ New sexier objective card for quest objectives
+ Fixed the [S_Capital_City] tag
+ Fixed a bug that caused defenders to be left standing on the same tile at the conclusion of a battle in which the attackers use the escape spell to end the battle.
+ Pubs no longer improve the food from grain
+ Fixed bug where changing the tactical animation speed via the buttons on the tactical wnd had no effect.
+ A player's end-game score now gets a bonus of +(10*AIIntelligenceFactor)% for each opponent in the game
+ Added a line to the tech info cards to show required techs from different tech categories
+ Added a line to the spell info cards showing range, if it's non-infinite
+ In the tech tree wnd, generic unlock entries of things like treaties now include a description in the tooltip, instead of just a name
+ Death flybacks now fan out
+ The history log graph has been made a bit less smooth to show more changes
+ If players disable the zoom limiter, they can now get much, much closer to the map
+ Leveling up a city doesn't create a notification on the right side anymore
+ Scenic Views renamed Prestigious Locations
+ Added strings for warning player that their enchantments are about to be canceled due to lack of mana, and notifying them when that happens
+ Added a warning (which I've set to pop up no more than once every 10 turns) that warns the local player if they have negative gold, and gives them suggestions on how to fix that
+ Added code so that non-champion units can move over quests, and they get prompted the first time it happens to say that only champions or sovereigns can get quests
+ Caravans now don't show up in the empire tree regardless of if they are trading
+ The grid now defaults to being off
+ Renamed a bunch of champions
+ Fixed references to the Pit of Lost Voices
+ Mousing over a unit in a tactical battle highlights each of his entries in the tactical initiative list, and vice versa (if you hover over one of those entries, it will highlight the tile the actual unit is on)
+ Tile yields show up on the main map if you have a pioneer selected
+ The train unit wnd no longer shows decimals when displaying the production points required to train a unit
+ If player retires, they can see all the graphs and score still
+ When wars start, the players tend to be wary of making peace at first
+ Tribute affects relations
+ AI intelligently handles tribute valuations
+ Set the default AI difficulty to Easy
+ Monsters somewhat more aggressive
+ Guardian monsters return to their point of origin more reliably
+ Increased AI threat evaluation radius (thanks to multithreading, can do more complex algorithms)
+ AI smarter about building city improvements
+ Expansionists better about building pioneers
+ Fixed various bugs that kept AI from expanding as it should
+ Fixed various bugs that would result in the AI not building troops
+ Fixed bug that caused AI players to always curse human player
+ Fixed bug that caused an AI to target tiles that were too close to a city resulting in the AI unable to expand
+ AI more aggressive about upgrading its units
+ AI more conservative in money management
+ AI more selective in training units
+ AI pioneers evaluate shards placement
+ Guardian monsters less likely to move off their lairs to attack units
+ Guardian monsters more aggressively return to their point of origin
+ Wandering monsters more aggressive
+ AI modifies its research priorities based on what resources it has (crystal vs. metal vs. influence)
+ AI becomes more concerned with players who are conquering other players
+ AI less likely to declare war early game
+ AI balances your military power vs. how it realy feels about you when deciding when to go to war (before they'd only go to war with you if they had sufficient military power)
+ AI armies with pioneers are more likely to build outposts
+ AI armies that are in a larger army group will split off to found cities / build outposts if the opportunity exists
+ AI armies that are in a larger army group will split off to attack a weaker unit if the opportunity presents itself
+ AI can now "see" monster lair goodie huts
+ AI will construct outposts that are closer together
+ AI looks for "conquest mongers" when evaluating relations
+ AI armies more aggressive about founding new cities if they have pioneers (to avoid having big armies full of pioneers)
+ AI armies more likely to reinforce a nearby city if it sees a threat
+ If a unit decides it isn't going to move towards an enemy in tactical battle, it is more likely to try to use its magical abilities
+ Fixed tactical bug where combat abilities weren't used
+ Lots of AI tweaks for tactical battles
+ Fixed the Moriah’s Lost Spell Book quest
+ Fixed handle leak
+ Fixed a bug where modifiers with an upgradeable value (ie. 2 fire attack +2 per fireshard) would sometimes be wrong for a turn when you first load a gamesave.
+ Fixed two divide by zero crashes that were occuring if a spells priority is 0. Now it adds one to the priority returned from the spell before using it in a rand operation.
+ Fixed an issue with items that gave fire/cold and lightning resistance giving the incorrect amount
+ Fixed Nature’s Cloak to apply the resistances correctly
+ Fixed bug where particle effects for spells would play in the fog of war
+ Fixed bug where particles attached to weapons would remain if unit went under fog of war
+ Fixed bug in tactical battles where the tooltips on any popped-up windows would flicker and fight with tooltips on the map view window
+ Fixed a hang in tactical battles for spells automatically cast at the start of battle, if they happened to have a cast time.
+ Fixed a hang in tactical battles for when groups counter attack
+ Fixed bugs that allowed the next turn to go on while monsters were still moving
+ Fixed LOTS and LOTS of crash bugs due to multiple threads accessing a resource
+ Fixed bug that caused the camera to move to view a non-player battle
+ Fixed bug where parented spell effect particles were showing up at 0,0 world cords
+ Fixed the Refined Arcana tech (it now correctly gives +25% mana)
+ Fixed bug where the first time the "more actions" popup came up, it was empty
+ Fixed tactical bug with autoplay, where it still waited for the user to pick their spell target for delayed cast spells.
+ Fixed bug where if you killed units on the strategic map (like with a spell), their gfx would remain for a turn.
+ Fixed tactical bug, where if you were channelling a spell (and doing your spell idle animation), but then were hit, you would be taken out of spell idle.
+ Strategic spells with a cooldown no longer ask for a caster
+ Fixed bug with disappearing sovereigns when you alt-tab on choose sovereign screen in Desktop resolution mode
+ Fixed the Gambler's Strike ability.
+ Fixed a bug where auto-target spells with a cast time, like Wither, would hang the battle.
+ Fixed several bugs in the unit design wnd having to do with switching between unit types that have different stats and item support
+ Fixed an issue keeping units form upgrading to champions greaves
+ Fixed an issue keeping units form upgrading to champions helm
+ Fixed an issue keeping units form upgrading to champions vambraces
+ Fixed an issue causing staff wielding mages to upgrade to melee weapons
+ Fixed bug where AI was able to ignore casting times on tactical spells
+ Fixed bug in tactical while picking a spell target, where spell radius was often incorrect.
+ Removed a conversation dialog that used the [KINGDOM_POWER] and [EMPIRE_POWER] (neither exists)
+ Fixed bug where notifications could overlap other windows
+ Fixed bugs with counter-attack in autoresolve
+ Fixed an issue allowing fire resistance potions, growth potions, blizzard scrolls, escape scrolls, summon air elemental scrolls and silver flutes to be used from the main map
+ If some of your champs die in battle, but you later cast the escape spell, the dead champs will now be injured and get to stay with the army, rather than being sent to a city to recover (which is what happens when you outright lose the battle).
+ Fixed issues with the tactical battle speed controls on the tactical wnd and the setting in the options screen not always being in synch with each other.
+ Fixed bug in the end game screens where, if a player was killed, the game saved, and then loaded before going to the end screens, the medallions for that player would show up as blank because their sovereign no longer exists
+ Added unit levels to the trade equipment wnd, and fixed a bug where the bottom half of the screen didn't tint to the faction color like the top half
+ Capturing a city now clears buildings from the building queue along with training units
+ Also fixed a bug where razing a city was not reimbursing the player for units and buildings in the queue
+ Fixed several bugs with the create sovereign screen, most notably not setting enough info when the faction was changed so that the race and stats were messed up, and screen editing orders that let fallen have life spells and kingdom death spells, and crashes on quitting the game
+ Fixed the Singing Forge ability
+ Fixed an issue causing the design button to not be available if a campaign or tutorial is played before a sandbox game
+ Fixed bug with applying a spell effect when a unit hits or is hit with melee. If the spell is not supposed to stack, the code was not honoring that. So you'd get enemies that Shrink every single time you'd hit them with Sculla's mace, for example.
+ Fixed several bugs with titan's breath moving you onto an invalid tile in tactical, and bugs where if you got hit with titan's breath during a battle, it would also blow you back a tile on the strategic map too.
+ Fixed tactical AI bug that prevented AI from casting spells that used a CalcDamage XML function (like fireball)
+ Fixed bug where you'd get loot from champs that died in battle, but don't actually die, because they have a city to retreat to. Now you will not get loot from those guys unless they are permanently killed in the battle.
+ Fixed a bug where an attacking a cave bear would freeze the battle when he tried to maul.
+ Random events work
+ Items can correctly be useable in tactical or strategic now
+ Fixed bug in the kingdom victory screen where big invalid numbers would show up if you reached the turn limit and decided to keep playing
+ Fixed bug where requesting destroyed improvements to play a sound when destroyed wouldn't work because the sound being referenced didn't exist
+ Fixed some issues causing AI units to start without the leather armor they were supposed to have
+ Fixed an issue keeping any monster above spawn rating 10 form showing up in the Hiergamenon
Things Removed:
+ General Carrodus is no longer a sovereign. Players can still create a custom Capitar sovereign if they want. Carrodus still exists in the game as a high level champion.
+ Kul-al-Kulan is no longer a sovereign. Players can still create a custom Umber sovereign if they want. Kulan still exists in the game as a high level champion.
+ Strength, Intelligence, Constitution and Dexterity. Now traits, items and spells directly affect the game effecting stats (dodge, attack, etc) instead of using these middleman stats
+ Removed the Fortress and University improvements
+ Removed the Restoration tech (Knowledge becomes a level 1 tech)
+ Removed the Enlightenment tech (Derek- Knowledge techs at the end of the tree don’t make sense, I don’t know what I was thinking)
+ Removed the Fortresses tech
+ Removed the Formations tech (its lone +1 army size unlock was moved to War Colleges)