On Impulse, when starting SoaSE:Trinity, I could just run the game from the desktop icon without starting Impulse. Or I could start Impulse, check for updates and run my game from there.
Question 1) With my other games that are on Steam, even if I use the desktop Icon, Steam starts. Will Rebellion also ALWAYS start Steam or can I still run it "independantly"?
Question 2) Will you be able to play the game WITHOUT being forced to update? I remember Shogun, even after disabling all updates on every settings page available, it would force me to update. I just wanted to play a game solo yet had to wait for 2GB patches.
Question 3) When I pre-ordered the game, there was no mention of Steam. I hate Steam. Rebellion is on Steam. If I can't run the game "independantly" or LAN with ease or disable updates, I no longer want the game. Will Stardock cancel my pre-order and refund my moneys?
I loved SoaSE Trinity with Impulse and want Rebellion, but not at the cost of selling my soul to Steam again (I just got it back
Do not get me wrong - if I can run the game without Steam intruding/ruining the game like it has done for so many others I will play it even in Steam.