Derek and I found a bug in the maul code this evening. It's supposed to lower your accuracy by 4 each time you strike but it wasn't working as designed. Next patch will fix it.
still not enough, the thread started made a wrong argument, i never EVER lost a hero against a bear
the problem is on weapons
since heroes has a LOT of accuracy the penalty doesnt quite cover the op of the weapon bonus
its basically like a triple attack on EACH attack
but most of all with a lucky streak its like a 1 shot to ANYONE, its just too op, why there should be a weapon so strong?
if you really want to keep a infinite lucky loop weapon (and you shouldnt ) make a malus to accuracy AND dmg, each next successful attacfk should deal 20 % less dmg
even this way it sounds too OP, why there should be a weapon that with a lucky roll does 100+80+60+40+20=300% dmg (even if it averages a bit lower than that) ?
for monster i think its balanced, players have much more dodge and can kite, cast spells etc etc
its right for a bear to have some good skill since its the only thing they have