Thanks Gunslinger! I have the newer versions on my home computers, but work computers have to stay at the lower levels to be compatible with some of our older software... see you knew there had to be a reason right?
P.S. And while you may think v3.x is ancient compared to 9.x, just remember that Firefox started upgrading their browser monthly/semi-monthly just a few months ago. The latest version of v3.6 is less than 6 months old!!!!
We live in a world post-Chrome, where updates happen fast and often. Firefox may not auto-update like Chrome does, but it does let the user know that an update is available. Ignoring the update isn't something I would recommend, especially as the web moves forward. There's a reason IE6/7 have been around for so long, because Microsoft didn't make it easy to update and so users don't update. Let's try to avoid that for other browsers.