I am really trying to enjoy this game, but I have an absolutely terrible FPS for pretty much the whole time playing. At the very start of games I get about 20fps, and during any sort of combat, however large, it goes into the single figures.
My computer can run BFBC2 at 60fps, BF3 at 35fps and Shogun 2 Total war at about 25-30fps, all at 1920x1080 and max-ish settings
- My system
- Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
- Foxconn FlamingbladeGTI mobo
- Intel core i7 930 2.8gGHz (tried both normal, and overclocked to 3.6GHz
- 6144MB RAM
- DX11
- Radeon HD 5850 1GB
I have tried with hyperthreading both enabled and disabled. I'm not sure what's going on here, something must be wrong, as even on the menu screen I only get 20fps.
I have tried with every single effect in "Effects" unchecked, all graphics options on low, at 1280x720 and no AA, and nothing helps.
I have checked my CCC and for some reason the page shows my card still on the "low performance/power saving" mode (ie reduced clock speeds) even when the game is running and the activity of it is 0% all the time. Here is a screencap
Can anyone help?
(I realise there are a lot of threads about this, but they were all from a few years ago so I wanted to see if anything had changed/been fixed)