I would imagine the Stardock is cooking up the next game as I post this, but as the next election season draws near, I am curious if there have been any announcements or developments in the next edition of this amazing game?
I have a few suggestions, if they would be considered valid and would love to hear some feedback from other interested fans.
I appreciated the addition of the scenarios. I thought they were great and suggested this years ago, I am sure this wasnt new under the sun, but still I did appreciate that there was something I wanted in the second game.
I would like to see perhaps 2-3 more historical scenarios, and even a possible scenario creator. Perhaps even add a section in the downloadables for people's scenarios. Some good historical scenarios could include, 1800, 1824 (four way match up), 1828, 1876, 1896, 1912, 1932, 1948, 1960, 1968, 1980, 2000. I know these are alot ,but just suggested scenarios. 2 or 3 more would do and if players had the option of creating their own, there would be much more.
Along with this, it would be great if a third party candidate could be introduced to the game and more political parties. Of course, players who do not play one of the two major parties have a disadvantage, but it would be a great challenge in trying to elect a third party candidate, or better yet use a third party candidate to mix up the game.
Primaries would be a realistic plus that would give players the option of battling against multiple candidates. It could be a seperate scenario, or even better yet, part of the over all game. Especially in an Epic 81 week scenario, by which the first 40 weeks focus on primary, second 40 focus on general election.
Finally, more potential candidates in the game, more historical candidates, etc.
Lastly, thanks to all of you at Stardock who make a great game, it is fun playing and will enjoy spending more on the sequel, gracias!
Committed player and fan