I have come to a complete blank on a name for this wallpaper would you like to help with the naming and any feed back is welcome. I am open to any suggestions as to what its called and if anything needs doing to it I will endeavor to do my best to make it better. Its all Fractal
First thing that came to mind
thanks for the input and comment mate
Death Crown. I see a skull (brown) and a green crown on it....
Actually, if you look closely, does sorta look like a dude, in the center, with sunglasses on and a pointy green helmet, with sort of a shaped mouth..
Thanks Mrs S!, now I cant stop looking at it !
I see a little Green Goblin with a dark amulet on his chest. Goblin King is my guess.
Must've been that post from Nimbin. I sure do feel like one now. Lol
Eye Of The Fly.
The Alien Queen Moons You All
Moss Green Queen
Fractal Medusa
I see a Chinese man with a mustache, and under a skull?
nice one Doc
lol it has that effect on ya
these are great
Glad you said it first. I've been avoiding posting since I saw it.
Try a different version of the same thing in French and it sounds better.
The Embrace or Chrysalis, comes to mind~
Funny thing, though....the more I look at it, the more I hear Arnold Schwarzenegger in the back of my mind, screaming, "Get to tha CHOPPAAA!!!"
Strange how the mind associates things, ya?
V'ger is another good one.
thats cool too
yeah wow i like those as well
heheh yeah thats a good one. Oh man so many different ones too choose from . Thanks for the great suggestions and your input it means a lot to me
The Last Thing Your Windscreen Sees Before Bug Hits It.
You are writing these down, right? Lots of good choices for future walls.
for sure wiz for sure .
omg did that fly just hit my screen
now where did I put that windex
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