Rough Colonial Research Tree Items (Feel free to make suggestions).
Fleet Shipyards (Combat)
Fleet Designs
Defender Gunstar Ability?
Alberio Gunstar Unlock -> HEIAP Rounds
Vigilant Skirmishstar Unlock -> Heavy Fallout -> High Yield Warheads
Berzerk Escortstar Unlock
Sentinal Gunstar Unlock
Moebius Flattop Unlock -> Demolition Teams
Tiger Gunstar Unlock -> Designate Target
Asgard Battlestar Unlock -> HEIAP Rounds, HEIAP Warheads
Auto-cannon -> HE Rounds, HESC Rounds, HEIAP Rounds
Missile -> HE Warheads, CR Warheads, EFP Warheads, Nuclear Warheads
KEW -> HE Rounds, HESC Rounds HEIAP Rounds
Antimatter -> Nuclear Reactor, Improved Nuclear Reactor
Armor -> Basic Ribbed Armor, Improved Smooth Armor, Basic Radiation Shielding, Improved Radiation Shielding
Shield Mitigation -> Point Defense 3x
Angular Thurst -> Sublight Maneuvering
Hyperspace Charge -> FTL Calculations
CIC (Defense)
Most the technology works here except for the shield generator. I was thinking about having a special structure CIC that would boost player and friendly damage.
Need to remove/change some of the upgrades for the KEW defense turret too.
Other Ideas?
Colonies (Non Combat)
Trade Unions (Economy/Trade/Refineries)
Refinery -> Upgrades?
Trader Port -> Upgrades?, thinking something that increases population growth with trade ports present
Metal & Crystal Upgrades
Other Ideas?
Religion (Culture)
Culture Center -> Allegiance Boosts ( would like to integrate some of the god names into techs )
Other Ideas? Increase trade if culture center present?
Colonization (Planet/Population)
Ice/Volcanic/Gas unlocks -> Population increase
Terran/Desert population increase
Other Ideas?
Quorum of Twelve (Diplomacy)
Will mainly be standard diplomacy stuff to not break diplomacy (need ideas for names/descriptions though).
Ideas for Envoy?
Colonial Fleet (Logistics)
Need good names/descriptions for research.
Designing research trees is hard if you haven't figured that out yet. I've done 4 unique research trees so far and each one gets a bit harder to do.