Posted this in the changelog thread, but I'll re-post here.
Just played the first 200 turns in a game, some thoughts
- Simultaneous damage makes it very hard to fight higher difficulty AI. This is good. Champions, no matter how well-geared, can no longer ride through an army without breaking a sweat.
- The new defensive modifiers in a city are silly and should be removed. A fence doesn't give a unit +10% defense. Let the defensive modifiers come from buildings that give real city walls.
- The AI was great at attacking, and quite hostile at hard. It sent large armies to attack, instead of 1 or 2 units. The champions I saw were not terribly geared. Still, the AI missed many opportunities. In fact, I had my border town, against an AI I was at war with, completely empty except 2 ungeared champions for 100 turns and the AI did not march a single unit in. Granted, I don't know what his other borders looked like!
- The new tax thing helps, and I really like it because you don't swim in money any more. I think it should be given further diminishing returns, because there are so many ways to boost gildar, but now the things you can spend them on are quite limited. At the end of 200 turns, with 3 built cities and 1 captured, I had around 2000 gildar while having no materials (maxed workshops + found a clay mine). (edit: I equipped no heroes though, I could have used the gold for that).
- Population and materials were my main limits, not gildar. After I researched houses and villas, I never ever had a population problem because I got more population from having a level 4 city, than I could spend on the actual city due to building limits!
- Where, where, where is the magic? Gone completely! I used inspiration for prestige, and nature's bounty for food. That must surely be the most boring use of magic ever in any game of all time period. More summon spells, more combat spells! BUT I like the new longer research times for high level spells. It's much more even compared to your technology advancement.
- This is EASILY the best version of E:wom yet.
- Where is the adventuring content?! Despite spawning in an area close to much AI, I rarely if ever saw a goodiehut. My research into adventuring spawned one single "notable location level 2" in my entire kingdom.