Hey Everyone
Haven't been here in age's but that doesn't mean i haven't been keeping an eye on thing's all the F$#&IN time
i thought demigod was done for and so on and on but it look's like Mr.Frog has come back Glad to hear from ya
Look i know you're all saying DG is a Lost cause etc but in all honesty it really isn't and befor anyone goe's Ape %$@# on me let me Explain
this game has been out for awhile true but it is nowhere near i repeat NOWHERE NEAR Dead and there is still a great chance to pull this game's soul back
- Fix connection issues
- Top 3 Mod's put into full game Uber fix the UI and the A.I Mod's
-Better Pathfinding and A.I in general
-More Map's and Demigod's etc
- Adding more Favor item's and maybe some new minions wouldn't hurt
ok so yeah it all sound's like a pain in the A$$ but really it could be done Either by Update's or Expansion if i had to vote i'd say Expansion i wouldn't be so eager to give up on DG 1 i mean i still play the S#$% out of this awesome game not online as much more of a Lan with some buddie's not to mention with all the Pirate's this game actually HAS LAN most game's nowaday's have NO LAN because of it so thank you for having >LAN< Something every game should have
however i did play online back in the day and it was great Still could be to so great i told some friend's to go out and buy this Fast-Paced Adrenaline pumping Tactical Addicting Game
Seriously this game can get intense rofl 
now as for the F2P Congrats OMG_ZEX +1 Karma this is an excellent idea if you notice lot's of MMORPGS nowadays are going F2P and are doing very VERY! well this is something that could and probably should be pulled off at this point getting Enough cash together could be hard but not impossible with the money saved from content for the F2P Stuff this could be used for an Expansion
Just giving my 2 Cents here but don't be so fast to give up on DG this game can still go pretty far and still has a wide selection of options
But don't be too slow either remember there is a great line up of game's coming and soon no one will be interested in DG
Hope to hear good thing's about the future of this game and it's Community