@MxM111: Ok, in this case I apologize to you.
Thing is... I REALLY am no fanboy, I never liked fandom as in "fanatical devotion".
But when I look into this forum (Elemental - General), I see about 2/3 of the topics are some kind of rant about the failures of Elemental.
We all do see this failures, and I am pretty damn sure that the developers in special do see them.
In my opinion we have long past reached the point at where such rants could be seen as constructive, and with Frogboy locking such threads now, I get the feeling that he has reached the point where he is pissed, or better, where he decided to do something he normally wouldn´t do (as far as I judge him), to protect the morale of his crew.
Cause that it does - it weakens the morale of the developers to look into the forums and see yet another "You blew it!" thread.
You and I, be both seem to be of the opinion that Stardock deserves our honest opinion, but because we care we should also stop and think about how constructive giving this opinion is right now.
I mean, let's at least wait for the next patch to see how the game evolves, let´s give them a chance.
Especially when we see how much the game could be improved - doesn´t that also mean that we know it will be a lot of work to get to the game that we wanted in the first place?
To the others:
As I see it, there are quite some people coming back to the game, being pissed by how it still doesn´t meet their claims, and then going to the forums and expressing how the game sucked since the first version.
And now I could really get emotional.
I´ve seen so many studios going down the drain.
I´ve waited so long for such great games to be continued, waited for others to be fixed, games that showed a glimmer of ingenuity but were flawed some way.
Other games I´ve watched being dumbed down in the last years, when I had hoped for them to, at last!, be evolved to the next stage, the next level, to be made better at what they were already good at, to be expanded and not shrunk down.
Anybody still know Sirtech?
They shut down somewhere around 2001.
No Wizardry 9, no Jagged Alliance 3.
New World Computing anyone? Might & Magic 11 perhaps?
Origin? Wing Commander, Privateer, Ultima?
Hey, how about this one - Master of Magic 2?
Or Master of Orion 3 reloaded, or Master of Orion 4?
And how do people feel about Civ 5 or Supreme Commander 2?
Supreme Commander, based off Total Annihilation, but not as good as this indirect predecessor.
SupCom 2 could have been what TA 2 should have been, but instead it was "mainstreamlined".
The computer games industry sucks nowadays, and I am ok with waiting some months if this results in a game with potential having the chance to truly develop this potential.
I don´t need nor want another failed project, leaving a game that I see this glimmer of ingenuity in, and only that glimmer, nothing more.
I waited twelve years for Wizardry 8, only to see it having been already published on a magazines DVD, and to read that the developing company has shut down and their will never be a successor to this highking of classical RPGs.
I can wait another year or two for Elemental to evolve into the game that I love to play all the time.
Sure I can´t keep people from complaining.
But equally I have the right to support the developers. A thing that I very rarely do... no, that I have never done before.
But if there are half a dozen topics every page concerning how the game sucked, I do believe that it is ok to once in a while post a topic about how such criticism sucked.