That said, you should at least give Gamestop a chance to mess up before condemning them. I figure if Gamestop does do something stupid, you'll have some heads up notice, and can archive stuff as needed. I'm not going to scream and ragequit until I have good reason.
By exercising due diligence and reading the fine print, I avoid hidden fee scams like the one Gamestop got busted for last year (over 2.1 million in refunds and fines). At this point in my life I've grown to better understand how an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I've done made plenty of mistakes and suffered some memorable consequences. I don't get as many breaks and bruises when I look before I leap. But far more than that, I see harm being done as national chain stores come into my communities and push the locals out. I don't like it, so I won't support it. If I did business with them, I'd be helping them do it to someone else's neighborhood.
I have other reasons to dislike what Gamestop is about. I hate phone spam! I hate spam of any kind. I don't know that they still do this as I stopped doing business with them some time ago. Gamestop used to spam out automated phone messages. The automated ones are the worst! You can hang up, but your phone line is still tied up until the message plays its course. The messages went something like this... Hey, we see you've purchased game X from us. How about trading in that game on a pre-order of game y? Now that might not seem like aaalll that big a deal. But its a clue as to how they view you the customer, and how invasive they are willing to be. Now add that to the fact that they've had a number of lawsuits brought against them relating to privacy violation, employee pay and work site conditions, various hidden fee scams, deceitful advertising, selling used product as new (lots of these suits, some recent and some dating back years), charging bogus tax on service contracts.
They just aren't the kind of people I want to be doing business with. I wouldn't trust them with my payment info. I wouldn't trust their product. I wouldn't trust them to honor their contracts. And I'd always be looking out for that new scam they are trying to pass. I think this way based on their record. They have lied to and cheated their customers and employees. They've done this recently and they've been doing it for years. I'm just not willing to deal with these kind of people.
Steam I limit my purchases to games I will play exclusively MPer, to which the DRM doesn't matter.
How does DRM not matter for your multi-player games?