Just curious what everyone is working on at the current moment! Leave a preview a teaser WIP screen shots whatever!
Lets see them WC!
ID Posted one in 2007 Link and 2008 Link and I did one in 2010 Link so here we go 2011!
Rainbow glass is what it was. I changed the name to Spectrum as it more closely resembles that and its a sysmetrix.
V I know. The other is crio, yes?
V is Venture by 2of3.
The Solstice is by A/V man Harley.
Both are WIPs
The Solstice. First I'm hearing of it. I've been following Vwenture. There are no screenies for Solstice. At least none that I've seen.
Solstice has been comin for a while. I'm sure he posted a WIP.
Might have been eclipsed by other stuff.
Harley...you out did yourself with that cursor!
Speaking of cursors. I forgot all about it. Need something sharp. Harley ... what'd you do with Solstice?
I thought I'd find his new cursor in the gallery. Guess he didn't upload it yet. And I didn't find Solstice.
It'll be here when the Sun's apparent position in the sky reaches its northernmost or southernmost extremes!
Thank you Sir:)
[quote who="Uvah" reply="59" id="2869969"]Speaking of cursors. I forgot all about it. Need something sharp. Harley ... what'd you do with Solstice?I thought I'd find his new cursor in the gallery. Guess he didn't upload it yet. And I didn't find Solstice.
The cursor is still under costruction
Solstice is in the final days before upload!!!
Dern missed em both guess I got to till summer to upload!
There's some good news!
I'll write an article, "Not so new guy posts a skin. Later for more, and further updates."
Solstice is done only SS's remain!!!!
Now where is the emote with sweat coming off his brow! lol
this one?
Sorry to go OT but does anyone know how to use msn messenger? I'm stumped.
enter the email add. you signed up with password and you should see all your contacts!
wish it could have a start button like an eclipse.
Garnet Storm Dream & Saver WIP (Screenshot is the first frame in the animation.)
Almost done...Although, last night I came up with a great idea for the "eye".
Nice stuff Jimbo!
Here is my latest wall.
Jimbo9294, that's gonna be very hot.
Your signature looks super. What font did you use? And the honeycomb is carbon. I'm guessing because I have a texture similar to it. The chrome is very distinctive and adds character. Can ya tell I'm in a good mood?
Uvah, your ass-kissing in the wrong thread mate, head over to Concept LCD for this kind of posting, in this kind of mood
LOL...aren't you always? Flaemische Kanzleischrift is the font.
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