"Wasn't the Foxbat touted as the fastest plane in the world at one time. I don't remember all of it but according to the stats its ceiling was supposed to be in excess of 80,000 feet. Then the Russian pilot decided to fly one to Japan and defect, giving the Japanese and us a hands on with the Mig-25. Turns out it was heavier than a Phantom II, clumsy and nowhere near as good as the Russians said it was. It was a long time ago and my facts may be somewhat 'rusty'."
The 25 was the fastest at that time.... held several speed and altitude records...and climb to altitude records.
It had one specific purpose...which the US wasn't aware of...and the USSR wasn't about to correct them. It was purely an 'Interceptor' with a sophisticated radar array [hence the size of its nose in particular] intended to get the plane ASAP to a position to launch simultaneous multi target strikes against incoming SAC high altitude incursion. It was NEVER intended to dogfight as it was simply the biggest [two] engines stuck in something that would push it in a straight line....actually faster than its airframe could stand....'safe' mach was about 2.6 .....they tended to 'bend' themselves at 3.2, as did the motors.
So much 'panic' surrounded it that it prompted the Eastwood film "Firefox" .... fictinal name...as the 25 was the 'Foxbat' and its successor the 31 was the 'Foxhound'....slightly better handling...and better radar/targetting tech, having close similarity with the Tomcat [other than the latter's variable wing and better low speed performance].
The SR71 Interceptor version that would have been very similar in function never eventuated once the US had their hands on the 25 that defected to Japan. It was only then they realised what it was - for.....