Just curious what everyone is working on at the current moment! Leave a preview a teaser WIP screen shots whatever!
Lets see them WC!
ID Posted one in 2007 Link and 2008 Link and I did one in 2010 Link so here we go 2011!
There's 8 of the main images that make up the skin...each is 1024x1024 with an alpha.
The wall is another skin....camo more reminiscent of Vietnam vintage [unlikely as its first flight was '69 - and it's Russian]...
ohh ok get it, im just asking sine the results look really nicehere is something i have done today I might make a wallpaper out of it.I tryd to conecentate on a clear ice effect for the text the background was just set to get a bit more frost feeling to it and i might also enhance the ice text and add some cracks to it...
Current on my first theme , still lots to do but its been fun so far
Love the vivid color with the black.
I forgot all about this thread. There's a lot of good stuff here still.
A new rainmeter skin I am working on. I am going for simple and usable. What do you think?
Nice work, JC. You do the minimalist skins so well
Just so you know, we're posting in this thread now https://forums.wincustomize.com/417521. Same thing, just for 2012.
Thanks for the heads up Starcandy.
I have just finished this wallpaper its called Diamond Earth
Sweet! I want it, gallery or no.
That's a nice abstract piece, Shaunna. Ya' done good!
yep its still in moderation Oh man I hope it gets through I have a good feeling about this one
Thanks Starcandy yeah it just fell into place just using apophysis and I didn't use any globes or use psp as I am only on my emachine which only has 1gb memory and 160 GB HDD, and N450 intel atom not too bad for a small laptop .... altho I can't wait for starkers to fix my main PC
And so you should, my dear.
Oh, well in that case.... Oi, Starkers, fix Shaunna's main PC! 'Cause if this is what she can turn out on a piddly laptop, I can't wait to see what she can do on something with proper grunt to it.
And just a tip for you if you're going to be using Apophysis: Be selective in what you think is good work. There are lots of people working with fractals and such, to the extent that they can become very samey IMO. I personally believe, however, you can, and will, make stuff that stands out from the crowd, especially if your latest is anything to go off. Best of luck with it, Sweetie.
thanks for the tip Darl, for sure I try to get what I call Love, like if I like or love something and think that others will too then I will upload and if I feel like its not the best I try harder to improve it by asking peoples thoughts and ideas and just by working the fractal I have also been trying to stay away from PSP as the fractal is and should be the first thing that someone should see . I guess it all comes back to practice makes perfect so practice, practice, thank you for all the suggestions too they help me to make things better
You go girl! We have faith in you Shaunna. Show 'em all how its done.
I broked it. What I done?
I broked it again.
Wow, you suck, lol!
Couldn't resist. The ad on the yahoo page had this thingy where you can rotate the entire page 360 degrees. Hilarious.
oooooh that is wicked, , wheres my steak oh that's right I just ate it mmm yummo steak and vegies for tea/ dinner, seriously tho thats so cool
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