Episode I: The Humans
Many thousands years have passed since the start of the existence of human race. Actually, so much time that humans lost the track of an old calendar, a new calendar being calculated since the creation of the LCT. LCT being the abbreviation of Life Creation Technology had transformed humanity to the masters of the Solar system. This technology allowed humans to transform the lifeless planets of the Solar system into habitable ones and colonise them.But the transformation took very long time. For some planets many hundred years. However, by the 3167 (new calendar) named as Year of Greatness all the transformable planets in the Solar System had been transformed and colonised.
The human race, as it can be affectionate, tender and curious, also can be very vicious, aggressive and intolerant. This long period of time had not been exception. Many interplanetary wars were waged over the power in the System causing billions of deaths and suffering.
By the Year of Greatness six sovereign multi-planetary states were ruling the Solar System, periodically fighting or trading with each other. Another several hundred years required in order them to understand that the trade and peace is the best for the prosperity of all the states in the Solar System.Coming from this concept they established Council of Six in order to end all the hostilities. Council of Six comprised six leaders of the six States, which together decided about all the matters regarding the humanity. Humanity lived in peace and prosperity for the next two thousand years which was called Age of Tranquility.
During the Age of Tranquility humanity regularly tried to reach other Star Systems.The breakthrough came in 5486 named as Year of Success, when the first human outpost was established in the Alpha Centauri System. Intention was to transform and colonise the planets of that System.The future for the humanity had never seemed so brighter than those times.
Soon everything had changed.
Episode II: 'Dust X'
In 5501, suddenly Home Worlds(since the Year of Success, the Solar System had been called this way) lost the contact with the outpost in the Alpha Centauri System.The scouts which were sent to investigate the issue brought back very disturbing news.All the living beings had died due to unknown type of space dust which engulfed the asteroids where the outpost was established.The further explorations revealed that whole known Alpha Centauri System had been covered with this mysterious dust which origins were unknown. The dust had been classified as a "Dust X" and the humanity gave up its hope colonising the Alpha Centauri System in the near future.
Soon to the horror of the Council of Six, the scientists realised that 'Dust X' was spreading and spreading fast, and with that rate in couple of hundred years would engulf the Home Worlds killing all of the living beings. In order to prevent the panic and keep the order, Council of Six decided to hide this terrifying news from the population and tried to find solution to the impending threat. Nearly two centuries the most brilliant minds of the humanity in the most secretive conditions did the best to find the solution to the 'Dust X'.
Breakthrough came when the 'Dust X' nearly reached the Solar System. According to the scientists, in order to keep the 'Dust X' out of the planets, the special energy shields should have been constructed around the planets. However, considering the time and resources needed before the catastrophe happened , only one planet could have been protected with the energy shield. That meant total annihilation of the rest, 90% of all living beings in the Solar System.
In 5743 the Council of Six approved and initiated the secret project called ‘Project of Noah’s Ark’. According to the Project the shield would have been constructed around the Earth as it was the origin of life and the humans in the Solar System. The works were explained to the public as the construction of the special Star Gates in order to have much easier travel to the other star systems. Also, a secret lottery were conducted among the Home World population in order to decide who would survive the calamity of solar scale. All the planets and colonies were considered in the lottery but one.