Quoting CHiZZoPs, reply 18
Quoting cpl_rk,
reply 8
You better pray that it works. If not, a lot of gamers that bought this game are going to want your head on a plate.
That is so completely unnecessary that I can't imagine why you would say it but to be hurtful.
Quoting Istari, reply 21
I was actually referring to those people whom you were referring to, i.e. those that would want Brad's head on a plate. I don't actually know if you would be counted among them.
Also, I'm not in anyway upset over your opinion. I'm just voicing my disagreement with those people you referred to, along with stating my difficulty in comprehending their viewpoints. Besides, you only said what is most probably true, though hopefully only figuratively speaking.
It seems very strange to me that anyone would take my statement literally, perhaps it's just the "liberal" element of which I'm gladly not one. Maybe I should translate my original post for their benefit: "You better pray that it works. If not, a lot of gamers that bought this game are going to be extremely angry." And, this is factually correct. A lot of people *will* be upset if the 1.1 patch doesn't work like it's hyped up to be. I see nothing wrong with the way I wrote my original statement, other than some "liberal," hand-holding, we-are-the world misinterpretation ... or political/media slant? ... all the same when it comes to liberals & liberalism.
I was in the military. I can remember this picture on the wall drawn by one of the guys in our avionics shop way back of a B1 bomber just after having nuked some huge city. There was this huge yellow-red mushroom cloud in the background, and there was a quote from the pilot in the foreground: "Now comes Miller Time!" I find this extremely funny, any of you liberal types that don't ... I don't care!
Some people need to look for something. Maybe you can find it in a level-4 goodie hut. It's called ... a sense of humor ... If you're lucky, you might find a "funny bone" on a level 5 quest. But, you'll need to research Tech knowledge Level 1 "analogies," level 2 "similies," and level 3 "metaphors" before you can get that far.
I don't think anyone actually took your statement literally. If anything, some might have been taken aback by the tone, as it could be mistakenly perceived as being threatening (though it is obviously not), given the structure, i.e. do action A or suffer consequence B, even though you are not actually making any sort of threat. If you were referring to my statement above, the key portion of which I have made bold, to clarify, I was hoping that those people being referred to would only figuratively want Brad's head on a plate and not actually. I did not mean to imply that you yourself meant it literally.
I don't really know what you mean when you refer to liberalists or liberalism, maybe because I don't live in the U.S. I think though that this is another of those situations where the same message could have been communicated in a way that is less prone to criticism. While you may be right about some people needing to be somewhat less sensitive or to take things with a little more humour, I think it would be more effective to speak with your target audience in mind, rather than admonishing them for not properly reading into what you meant to say.