You guys are a bunch of frenzied teleporting - thread hijacking trolls!
Oh why not having frenzied teleporting trolls EVERYWHERE in the map by the way?...
It would definately add a risk factor if a portal you used to attack a city can be turned against you. I'm starting to think that teleportation is doable, much to the dismay of the Black Knight. Maybe we can compensate him by recommending a 'Black-Knight' unit with the 'Destroy Rift' ability.
YEAH! An army of portal destroying black knights!
By the way there was ANOTHER teleporting spell in the first AOW, which I didn't mention (the OP will forgive me if I go off topic) It was kind of fun, I forgot its name, it allowed to randomly teleport... good for escaping troubles... and getting you in much worse ones sometimes. It would teleport you well, guess... RANDOMLY about 20 hexes away in a random direction... sometimes you would appear on an island and live there forever, (but that's what you deserve when you call up Scotty asking for the beam in a fantasy game). Anyway that was obviously something used only for defense, it was 'kind of' harmless... Meaning I wouldn't kill my mom to get rid of it... just my brother, maybe.
I can't really comment about all those ideas because of forum "politesse" policy (no curses: it is written just next the paragraph about hijacking threads)
Teleportation sickness, where it loweres stats would fix it well, if you suffered 50% def, att and hp, that would really hinder or make impossiple using it as a strategy to defend all places with one stack.
I don't like the line of sight, that limitation would make it somewhat useless.
Uh? And how many turns would that sickness last? Because I remind you that in this game units walk just 2 tiles each turns, by the time the attacking army gets to a town after they have been spotted the sickness of the goddamn teleporting klingons would probably be gone!
It just won't work. I can only see teleport as a spell for one unit, just the sovreign to escape troubles, not even the champions or one would make an army of champions and we would be having the same problem all over again.
In Heroes of M&M eleport had a range (I have seen them all yeah!). It was a limitation alright, but that is mostly a single player game, can you imagine in multiplayer when the enemy gets that and starts jumping around and slaying all your armies? You have build cities in strategig points, placed guards to protect sensible areas, researched and built a navy... and there comes Mario Bros jumping around killing the fun.
By the way you guys seem to forget that in age of Wonders AT LEAST you have to prepare spells before you can cast them, so that you cannot just teleport on a whim: it takes a few turns... and STILL they decided it was a game breaker... In this game if the enemy gets that spell before you... good luck Donald duck! So better research that and only that in every game!