Everything is a uniform mud brown. It's next to impossible to distinguish friendlies from enemies other than the little triangle above their head. Recoil on the weapons is a joke. But most damning the level designs are simply terrible. Every map is a series of choke points and open fields. You're either sprinting out in the open being mowed down by campers or sitting on your ass aiming through a 2 inch gap in some rocks doing a bit of camping yourself. There are no alternate routes, not much in the way of destructible terrain, and limited ability to flank meaning there is little to no tactical depth.
They may be calling this a beta but it's really just a limited time demo for marketing purposes, there is no way they can fix the legion of problems that while individually minor add up to a very poor overall experience before release. Skip this and pick up BFBC2 if you haven't already, far superior play experience.
It may be realistic but it's not fun.