all this talk and no one says anything about wing commander.....EA owns the rights, wy not givr bioware a shot at a space based rpg flight sim. I think it would be worth a shot.
Bioware, a space flight simulator .. NOOOOOOOOooooooooo. No thanks. Story, they could handle that part, but I just can't see them creating a good space flight sim. The user interface is so critical in a space flight sim, and they don't think in those terms. Not to mention that they have created not one strategy style game I can think of(please correct me if I am wrong).
Now, the X series by egosoft has many good things about it, but their control system has it's problems also. X would be so cool if it had both 4x strategy game style controls and flight sim controls. It would be kinda neat to command a ship from the bridge/cockpit, or an external view like eve and be able to utilize a virtual war table (think battle star galactica's bridge only with a lot more holographic capability) to control fleets /task forces.
Independance War ... Now, a remake of that would be awesome. In my opinion it is the best capital ship command game ever.
A really great space simulator is long overdue.