If the person is that weak minded/stupid/or just doesn't care, they will and can drop out.
I can't help but think, from the way you phrased that, that you believe they choose to be weak minded/stupid/or just don't care, and that nature doesn't play a part in there at all. What if they don't know HOW to get help or cope? What if they were raised in a culture where asking for help was a sign of weakness, so rather than risk publicly asking for help, they suffer in secret, hurting their dependents with the shades drawn? What if they don't know whom to ask for help?
Sometimes, when you're drowning, it's hard to scream for help because you can't get your head out of the water long enough to make any noise...you're salvation depends on someone noticing you...noticing that you're drowning. In this day and age, with people being transient, and a lot of us living in the digital world, so we never really have a need to leave the house, how often do we really notice the people around us, to know if they need help?
In this very situation, how many people would look at her and say she needs help, and how many would just pass judgment, call her weak, and not see that the video game wasn't the problem, it was a symptom of the problem?