Could someone PLEASE get rid of this Zazimire person and their asinine comments on this site! All he/she is doing is posting nonsense and tying up the forums with the rantings of a crazed mind. Thank you.
Huh? Tying up the forums? Assine comments? ... Just ignore that which you find distasteful. If a posters thoughts have become such a burden on you, why do you persist in reading them? The problem here lies with the reader not the author. Phah! I'm not picking on you specifically LightStar. But your call for censor irked me something fierce. You outta have learned by now that people are a diverse lot. We'd be in a sorry state if everyone resembled you or I. I doubt humans woulda outlived the Mastodon if that were the case. To each their own I say. We owe our existence to diversity.
I don't get why so many folks have taken an offensive tone with this individual. Your like a bunch of hens pecking one of their own. Live and let live. Be kind. Feel compassion. Respect.
I know a little of the difficulty of transcribing thought to the handicapped language form. I've my own challenge with that. It's almost as if English is not the best language for me. Or perhaps it is the contemporary usage of it which gives me grief. idk. Look to the historical writings in our own language. See how differently our own peoples expressed thought over time. Then look at various languages and see how actions, and verbs and nouns and such are placed in different arrangements for different cultures. Then look at how individuals grasp concepts differently. How some folks learn best by reading or listening. While others excell their learning in the doing. Ahhhhhh. Don't you know all this?
You henpeckers outta learn to live and let live. Foster diversity rather than attack difference.