Good Lord man, don't start quoting the Holy Bible please! I go to church every week, read the Holy Bible many times, and nowhere does it talk about drug heads
Actually, LightStar, I believe there is a drug reference somewhere in the Bible. Let me explain..
I'd have to do some research to find the exact quote, but what I remember is it had something to do with God telling man he had Dominion over all the Plants and Animals of the Earth. I think there might have been separate references about each but I'm not honestly sure. It's been a long time since I studied the Bible (I did go to Church and Sunday school when I was a kid). I'm not trying to defend the Zazimire's quote as I can't recall anything by memory, and I'm also not saying the Bible says it's ok to do "Drugs", but from a Biblical sense marijuana is a plant, a All Natural Plant Made By God. It is Not a "processed" drug.
On a purely scientific and archaeological point, our scholars today Do Know for a Fact that Marijuana and it's Extracts were used in Biblical Times as Medicines for various illnesses and conditions. Even using more modern history, Queen Victoria of England used Marijuana Oil Extract (made simply by squeezing the plants in a press) to lessen the cramps and pains of her menstrual cycle.
Note: when I feel better I *might* do the research to find the exact quotes if you want, but, not right this second. I've been up all day and all night and I'm about to crash for the day.