Well since the modding forums are down, i am going to throw the info of what has been done so far for v1.2 here.
Fixed favorshop Buttons
Made general/assasin items universal. (yay you can now get BoTS as QOT!
Ent Boss Fixed - Multiplayer - wasnt summoning his ability properly
Added New Unit Armadillo - catapult that has an AOE stun which goes off when you hit it. - balancing on progress.
Added New upgrades to the citadel - purchasable stronghold upgrade (This took DAYS.... and DAYS of code lol, all for 1 lousy function.)
- Purchasable towers - 2 towers are now available to purchase from the citadel which are summoned at the top of the U-Bend
-Purchasable destructable Health Crystal - has about 1/8 the healing power of the standard health crystal Summoned Nearby the two summonable towers
Note that the crystal with be the third upgrade in a New line of upgrades
Tower 1 --> tower 2 --> Health Crystal
To Do:
Will be fixing Nightmares next.
Then i will be adding some more new units -- again i will update as i add them in
I think that i might have found a cause of the mouseover flag bug - looking into it)
Potential New Creeps -
1. Exploding Sumos - Larger priest unit which has slow movement speed, however this creep will explode when it is in range 5 of you and do area damage, killing the sumo but doing large amounts of damage