I’m not a fan of the TB tactical combat that is going to be in elemental but I'd still like to make the best of it. I think this idea will make tactical combat feel more visceral and fluid. The idea I’m proposing is rather simple and has been suggested at the strategic level already. Basically you would have two options for attack during a battle.
Option A: This option is already in the game and everyone here knows it well I’m sure.
The Player moves a unit to a tile adjacent his enemy and clicks attack.

This is repeated for other units until the enemy unit is surrounded, destroyed, or moves away.

Option B: This option is what I’m hoping will get included in the TB tactical combat.
The Player moves a unit to a tile adjacent his enemy and clicks the coordinate attack option.

The player moves all units he wishes to participate in the combined assault to the maximum of 4 (Surrounding the enemy with a square grid) into position with the last unit having the combined assault option available.

Then all units involved attack the enemy together.

Defensive counter: defensive version of Option B.
The player moves a unit to a desired location and clicks coordinate defense.

The player moves all units he wishes to participate in the coordinated defense adjacent to one another to a maximum of 4.

When the last unit is in position the combined garrison option becomes available. When an enemy unit(s) attacks any part of the garrison they engage all units within the garrison.

I’m not sure how the tactical battles are going to look but I’m hoping when an attack is initiated the tactical map zooms into an action map where the attacker and defender fight in a cinematic fashion of some sort. Then after the action is complete the camera zooms out and the next move on the tactical map is made. If this is how tactical battles work allowing multiple units to engage in defense and attack would be sweet.
There would be a tremendous variety of bonuses you could put in place such as certain formations having bonuses against a single unit or some formations working better depending on unit placement. You could even have some formations work better on different terrains.
Questions? Comments? Concerns?