Just curious what everyone is working on at the current moment! Leave a preview a teaser WIP screen shots whatever!
Lets see them WC!
ID Posted one in 2007 Link and 2008 Link so here we go 2010!
The glass on the right is the original, the one on the left is my drawing.
It's easy to see which one is a photo, but mine looks good enough to drink anyway!
Anyway it's good practice and has forced me to try techniques I don't normally use.
And the lab report read, "Dear sir, your horse has diabetes." ...jk, Tim. Beautiful job.
I'll stick to whiskey and leave the horse piss to you, buddy
Looks like Bourbon. Can I have ..... On second thought, you drink it. The reference to horse piss ...... yuck!
Nice job though.
2of3, that's awesome. I couldn't tell.
"Rakfisk for all!"
About done....all 3 OS's ready and now it's down to the final detail work, those inevitable changes and a coat of wax...brazilian, of course.
Nice! The blend is beautiful! Way to go Nav. Five now ... and more when it hits the gallery.
Thanks Uvah....I'll zip it up and send you a copy if you wanna see it "live". I need the feedback to make sure I'm not missing nothing....
Appreciate that very much but I don't have windowblinds installed yet. They sent my money order back again. Something about not finding my account info.
Dang, Uvah....hope they get that straightened out, my friend, cuz you gotta get WB.
Cyndie....You got mail.
Thanks Cyndie! Got all your fixes done....and about 40 or 50 other small changes throughout so far. It's just about ready for mass consumption. I love this little hobby of mine but gotta say making three different versions of the same blind can be a pain in the arse. Kinda wish everybody would bite the bullet and go win7....
I can't wait to see what you guys got cookin'. I just know its gonna be a real Humdinger of a blind. Take this and hold onto it. I know it ain't enough but I'm hedgin' my bet.
Thanks Uvah...hope it'll be something that will brighten people's desktop on a dreary Winter day and those colors should go with about any wall too. Gotta do some bragging on Cyndie though....I've been doing WB's since '04 (Aston and Litestep since '02) and that girl is about as good as ANYBODY I've seen when it comes to the details....period. She's the best!
Yes. No argument there. LadyX has the 'Gift'. And for that it just don't get no better. for our Lady XiandiLee.
Hedhe my bet again. Blank blank 4 blank. I am not gonna jinx it.
I want to tease. Admittedly its not much of one but what the hey. lol
last one.
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