As many of you know I try to keep our ideas a little organized in the "Elemental Ideas Section" of the forums. I do this just to try to "do my part" to help out the Dev Team and my fellow Players. They know where an idea is, and we can see what's come before so we don't repeat our-selves over and over.
Without going to into personal details about my health, all I can say is some-one may need to take over in the near future. I don't know "how" exactly. Maybe Kryo would be kind enough (if/when the time comes) to "Un-Sticky" my post and the new person (if any) who takes over the job can have their's "Stickied". That then begs the question, is anyone Interested in taking over what I do in that section?
Do not say "Yes, Pick Me!!" too quickly. Put some "thought" into it and what it means and what You would have to do. You have to be Fair and Impartial with All Ideas NO MATTER WHAT. If you and another forum member disagree and get into a "pissing match/cat fight" oh well, you HAVE TO POST THEIR IDEA ANYWAY. Even if you don't like the idea, post it and it's link in the right Category anyway. Even if it doesn't get One Single Reply, post it anyway. Your personal feelings mean Nothing, the List is Everything, Period.
If You think you can handle that, that You can Really handle that....please say so now. Also please know I will base my decision on who replaces me on a few factors (or Stardock could say No and the list might stop, or they might pick "who" ). If I need a replacement before launch, it will have to be some-one who has a certain "quality". That "Quality" is STAYING POWER and DEDICATION to making Elemental a Better Game. I have to have seen that you've been here on the forums consistently and have the time and want to keep up with this. I'm not trying to discriminate against new members, but, if you've only made one or two posts and only check the forums once every week or two, you're not really the right person for the job.
How Will You Know When To Take Over? For starters I won't be If I stop appearing on the forums for a week or more (7 days in a row) then I won't be back for a bit and the mounting list of new ideas will get Massive. I'll either be in the hospital recovering, here at home recovering, or...well, not on the planet to worry about it anyway.
I understand by saying that I open my-self up to random people who don't like me to say "Good, I hope you die" so feel free. Take your shot. It won't hurt my feelings at all. I'll just ignore you. I know I piss people off some-times, but hey, I'm just being my-self and being passionate about a game I want to see Succeed along with the Awesome Company and People that make it.
If you think you have the Dedication, Free Time, Desire, and Fair Mindedness....Please reply to this thread. The time may come very soon where I just vanish and my volunteer help won't get done. Maybe you care about the list like I do, maybe you don't care which is fine too. I would hope among all the Elemental fans here though, some-one might want to "pick up the torch".
Cheers Everyone, keep up the great ideas, and Rock On Stardock!!!
Note: This is a "cross-posting" also in the General Elemental forums. This won't get added to the idea list. I categorized it anyway though in case I change my mind and add it. See Original Post Here. Thanks.