I played StarCraft a very lot many years ago. Was a modder too. Stormcoast Fortress and all that. Never got a beta key for SC2, but watched a ton of videos. Mixed feelings. I really wanted just an updated StarCraft I with existing units polished and tweaked and some cool new stuff.
Considering what we have coming:
I don't like the graphics. They are not sharp and clean. And compared to recent RTS games like Red Alert 3 or Command and Conquer 3 or anything else for that matter the graphics are pathetic.
I don't like the music, somehow the music does not convey the old magic. Conveys more the ambiance of a supermarket than the eerie mystery of alien worlds.
Some of the new units just leave me flat. The Terran Thorr looks like an escapee from a lego game. Zerg get roaches. Roaches? Really! This seems to trivialize the zerg. God, Mom, get the flit! Then we have the farting zerglings, I kid you not. How low can we go? The Protoss have declined from a decent, respectable, always on the verge of overpowered highly advanced alien species to ... well, there's no nice way to put it ... harmless clay pigeons for the Terrans and the Zerg.
Sound effects just too bland. Voice acting ... well, I don't like it. What can I say?
PvP game play has gone downhill; make a big glob of units while the other player is making a big glob of units. Smash your big globs together. If a player has some units left from this abortion of a fight, send them to damage the other player's infrastructure. Rinse and repeat until someone either wins or is totally bored to death.
Single player campaign ... sadly I think Mass Effect 2 has already done this in a far more attractive form. Not that I like ME2 either.
Galaxy Editor looks like slightly promising. Maybe someone can use it to turn SC2 into something that I will like.
Bottom Line: No, I am not going to buy it.