Actually I do have enough room, I'm just looking for better methods of handling said room. Also the imac is kinda fenced in, I think added an end table for the printer may solve everything.
If all you think you need to do is move a printer then it's a lost cause.
The workspace appears to be a jerry-rigged abomination of disparate bits...all vainly vying for your attention...
I just went through the process of redesigning my office be as functional/effective as possible....the main design parameters were the accommodation of...
Plan drawers.
1000mm X 1500mm drawing board.
A3 Photocopier.
Computer with rear access for cabling/changes.
22" monitor [just the one...I only have one pair of eyes]
Conference desk.
2 printers
stationery drawers
Filing cabinet
Phone/answer machine.
Sound system.
Pegboard [cork].
Room for it was/is 9ft x 12ft.... but it fits [with space for the driving sim Gameseat]. It took all up about 4 sheets of 1200x2400 19mm MDF and a bit of time....and a lot of thought.
Actual drawings are your friend....