Note: Before I talk about the Documentary I just watched I would first like to say (for those who don't know what it is) that the website called "Fancast" (Here) is a perfectly Legal site. It's owned by Comcast Interactive Media and shows TV shows and movies online in association with the studios that made them and stations that air them. Many of the links to shows they have go straight to the TV station's own websites where They host the shows to watch. Another website similar to this would be Hulu. Actually these two site are associated directly. I just wanted to clear that up so everyone knew that this isn't some kind of Pirate site that hosts shows ripped off of TV. Also as the Documentary I'm about to talk about is hosted there, it may be a Regional website. I have no idea if it works for people outside of the US. If not I'm sure the Documentary called "Steal This Film" can be legally found elsewhere to watch. (Edit it's also on YouTube.)
"Steal This Film" is a Documentary about Internet Piracy. It does NOT promote internet Piracy nor does it show you how to do it. It is about the History of Media Piracy and also has some very good information on the birth of the Internet its-self. If you haven't seen it, it can be found Here on Fancast and Here on YouTube. Even I learned a few things I didn't know. Like the fact that internet Pirates have their own growing political movement in Sweden. I also learned some history and events I didn't know about concerning the invention of the Printing Press.
The Documentary also talks about the legal battle against Piracy and how the internet will be adapting in the future to better be able to "Control the flow of Information World Wide". Also in rare interviews the operators of ThePirateBay talk on camera. As I'm sure many people are aware, I believe they are both doing time in prison right now. During the filming of this they were shown going through legal battles.
Again, this is Not "Pro-Piracy" propaganda just in case anyone might get confused. It's just under a hour long so be ready to take the time to watch it if this is something that might interest you. Interestingly enough, some of the professors interviewed here came to the same conclusions that Frogboy has. It makes me wonder if Frogboy saw this.
If you've got the time, check this out. You might learn some stuff.