I have to totally disagree with this one.
When 911 grounded 1000s of planes, a lot of them where in Newfoundland Canada and other eastern provinces. These people where grounded for days with no way to get home and Canadian families opened there homes to them. During the ethnic cleansing of eastern Europe and Africa, there where thousands of canadians opening there home to refugees and orphans. Not to mention the aid we sent. While we might not have much of an army, we are known as great peace keepers and aid givers. Who would want to attack Canada anyway. Oh ya, the Americans back in 1812, but we kick there butt lol.
I think you will find people all over the world being the same way once the sh%t hits the fan.
Ok, explain to me, what do the nice people (Canadian families) have to do with the goverment, or any other organazation that could help Caribbeans move out. Do these families or any other common folks work directly with/for the goverment?
No they arent. So no matter how nicce people are, in our world money rules everything, and these people need a lot of money to move out, if they wanted to. Good will doesnt help anyone here.
So again:
Is there a profit for them if they do help you?
No, there isnt.
Thats all that matters to them.