It's me, seeker. You may have guessed who i was already by my account and i don't blame you for been surprised or angry to see me on the metaverse again. First of all like the title said i'm actually here to correct some wrongs a made some time ago. I hurt many of you, baited you, flamed you and i believe i was trolling the site for a bit but i don't remember too much about that. Not to meantion i was a hopeless metagamer, god-moder and uncooperative role player at the time. as i said i don't blame you for been angry. None the less, regardless of your thoughts about me I need to say i'm sorry. There is not question about it I was at fault so I am incredibly sorry for what I put you all through.
Why have I come back?
I feel guilty about what i did here so naturally I want to apologise and see if I can repay you in anyway. Things need to be set right, even if i am not forgiven I need to try. Maybe we can look back at it and laugh, I mean I was a total nob and i'm sure as hell laughing about some of the things i did. On that note I think i also want to rebuild some of the old friendships I had (if you can call them that), or at even build new ones.
What have I been up to since i left?
First of all when I left the site I was very upset, i couldn't understand why people were turning on me. lawl, the classic selfish act. I sort of bummed around between sites and friends and i withdraw somewhat. I then fell in love and since then i've been more concious about the way I treat people and what i say and do. I've come to realise how i treat others is no different to how a spoiled brat treats his parent, when the spoiled brat doesn't get his way he chucks a hissy fit and blames others for his missfortune. I'm pleased to say i've been with this girl for near 1 year and 4 months, we've stuck it out through thick and thin. Since then i feel i have become a more stable person, i can understand when I am in the wrong and above all, understand others are just as important and me if not more. I've really been using music as a way of exploring myself and art as a way of expressing my feelings. i still do a lot of gaming which i really do need to cut back on but my crowning achievement is that i'm building a role play site (Considering my past some wouldn't think it to be a wise idea, I too worry about that factor, hopefully i will have the self control and cool to forfill the role of admin).
About my various names...
Yeah, when I was here I had lots of names and user pictures. i think there was a Red raven, everflyer, talisin or something? I can't remember them all. But that is no longer important, for the last 5 months i have been using 1 username across all the sites i'm a part of, Leon Amarath. I believe it is a good sign. same with my Email address and all that. My user picture however i sometimes change.
How do you know this isn't just one of my attention seeking moments?
Well truth is you don't, that's one of the bad things about the net you can never know what someone is thinking or how they act over a few lines of text.
So yeah, i'm super sorry to everyone, Freeman, Harborne, Neilo, KP, Death, Motto... everyone. If you find it within yourself to forgive me thank you, i deeply appreciate it. Merry chrismas btw, or rather merry chrismas for yesterday.