First and foremost I would not reccomend this build for bigginers. It is a little more advanced. Just be warned.
Im sure most of you know me. Erubas is by far my best character and this build is fine tuned. I wasn't going to post it. But I deploy to afghanastan ina month so who cares right?
So here goes.
The great thing about erubus is that he is probably the hardest character in the game to kill in the hands of a good player. Even in 2v1 3v1 situations he usually will escape. Which means you can go behind enemy lines and push offence while your 2 other players focus on defence endgame. Keep that in mind when you run this build.
Favor item - BoF
lvls 1 - Bite
2- Coven
3- Mist
4- Bite
5- Bswarm
6- Poisoned blood
7- Bite
8 - Mass charm - just for telly and heal interupts mainly
9- mist
10- bite
11- bswarm 2 extra range is priceless
12- Poisoned blood 2
13- mist
15- Dodge mist ability
16-- vamp aura
17 - mcharm
18- mcharm
19- mcharm
20- befuddle.
Items - I constantly have my gold fluctiating at 0 basically until endgame. You are not going to spend much on cit upgrades because you spend extra gold on cap locks and tps. Erubus is more useful for capping portals and gold flags and tele ganking and defending towers. If your team is smart theyll understand that you spending money on cap locks counters there spending on cit upgrades. My premade runs like that anyway.
Starting items - Monks + 1 cap lock.
in order of importance. - vlemis helm 1750
1500 mana helm.
4000 - narmoth ring and 5200 armor.
Boots of speed if needed.
Endgame Cloak of flames if you can afford it.
Upgrade monks as you can afford it. Keep a rack of tps and cap locks with extra cash. May want to buy a mana pot as well.
You want those mana items asap. I spam mana abilities and mist. mess around with it. Bite then wait for your health to drop abit bite again. if you dont have it on charge. i mist then wait for bite or bwarm to recharge and bite again. IF your skilled you can pull off you do more then enough dps with just bite spam and auto attack.
Im to lazy to explain how I play this character. But those are my exact skills and items. It works for me in all pro games. Read into it as you will, it works.