I also play with tshughes and SocialistRyan and several other people. FutileEmotion, in fact, is a very good friend of mine going back many many years, and we bought the game to play together. And no, we don't tag it premade - because then we'd never, ever, ever play. We also play premades when we can, and I'm perfectly willing to go play against premades by myself when my mates aren't on. Of course, being as this is my senior year of college and I have the courseload from hell, most of the time that I go play it's because someone messaged me and made me get on and play.
Yet I don't go n00b bashing just to n00b bash. I don't join nub only games. It's easy as heck to get a good ratio just joining "noob only games" when you have 186 games played...