If anyone hasn't picked it up yet, it's $5 on Steam right now. Not that I'm a Steam fan (I far, far prefer Impulse), but that's a pretty decent deal.
demo here : http://news.bigdownload.com/2009/04/10/download-braid-demo/
Tempting, but I don't want to tether another game to the Steam client.
I will consider it.
My thoughts as well, but I figured for 5 bucks I'll give it a shot.
Braid's easily one of the best games ever created. I hope y'all jumped on it when you could; no "Shift"ing available here (well, you could wait until the next deal, I suppose).
Insta buy for me.
I picked it up. Great deal.
I would if I hadn't already beaten it on consoles. Same as Red Faction: Guerrilla. Except I was only playing them as my brother had bought them, rather than getting them myself on my own system.
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