Since liberal tard wont correct it, right winger crazy will.
1. lost $50 billion of taxpayers money bailing out car companies who just ended up filing for bankruptcy anyway.
Wrong. Fucktard congress, of which he happened to be a member of at the time, and Bush, may he rot for it, put the bail outs through. Obama was largely irrelevant to this as one of 465 legislators. The bankruptcy on the other hand, now that's a reason to hate the dumb fuck. The company is screwed in perpetuity, since all they did was wipe out the debt holders while leaving the unsustainable liabilities in place. The factually accurate version of this is a prime example of why actual right wingers come unglued when dumb fuck liberal idiots start calling Bush a conservative.
2. made the deficit higher than every president before him combined since George Washington and they want to spend more.
Sorry, this one is rather accurate. His current spending track will add more, in just the next four years, than every bit of deficit spending ever done, combined. This is without adding on healthcare, the green energy bill, or any other pet projects he wants to put through, just the budget for the year, with it's long term outlays.
3. bowed to the Saudi king
Video tape!
4. wants to tax healthcare. so much for 95% of American will get a tax break.
I know, it's hard to get this one. What with his blasting McStupid(his name was officially changed by me when he suspended his campaign to go rescue us from congress by making sure they fucked us over) for having the very same idea, it just doesn't make sense when people say he's pushing for it. Yes, he really is trying to help pay for Obama-Care by taxing benefits. Oh right, except for union members.
It's too bad he's not italian, the whole mafia style presidency would be awesome then!
5. wants total control of your health care
Maybe. I say maybe because the guy is as dumb as a fucking rock. He might just be too fucking stupid to realize what you get when you put subsidized insurance in competition with private insurance. The answer, for those of us that can do simple addition, is zero private insurance. At which point Uncle Fuck-me-in-the-Ass Sam is running the entire show. So he's getting it, but perhaps he's not getting it intentionally.
6. rejected "V-Check," the system that instantly checks the status of an immigrant
Along with every other method of controlling illegal immigration. This one wasn't questionable was it? It's standard practice for democrats in general, along with half the republicans.
7. dropped all the charges against the two Black Panthers convivted of harrassing people at the polls in the last election
Perhaps unfair, but accurate. It's his federal prosecutors that ran that case off for no reason. You could say that he's supposed to remain detached from the process, but they can be summarily dismissed, without cause. People that investigate his friends get removed from their offices.
8. won't investigate ACORN, even though someone stole 1 million dollars from the organization and they have been convicted of fraud in five states and Nevada is prosecuting ACORN right as we speak.
It's his attorney general. A president is responsible for the policies of his own cabinet. This is a great big duh, right?
9. spent $500,000 fighting lawsuits that requested to see his hospital records or birth certificate
Ok, moron alert on this one. Could we get over the retarded shit already? The reality of a dumb fuck fascist from hell that needs a teleprompter to use the restroom needs no stupid conspiracy theories. We have real ones, like ACORN. He was born in Hawaii, shit tards, get over it. Any child five years of age or under, adopted by an Indonisian, is automatically granted Indonesian citizenship. There's no mystery here, he may or may not have dual citizenship, which doesn't matter.
10. wants Cap & Tax that will drive up your electric bill by 100%
Exaggeration for comedic impact, good. Exaggeration because you're an idiot, bad. 40% is not 100%. It will drive up your electric bill 40% if you're currently powered by coal. It will also wipe out the livestock industry, decreasing food production in the country by 20% easily, shifting a massive amount of beef production to other countries with lax standards on animal treatment. Basically, we're fucked, but there isn't going to be a 100% increase in the electrical bill.
Seriously, people: get in touch with reality. It would do you a world of good.

I'm not even going to
try to correct any of this: the only people who would believe it do not care about facts anyway.
All done. Perhaps you could pay attention to reality just a little before voting for the guy in 2012? Four years we can probably take, it's going to hurt like hell, but we've survived 20% unemployment and inflation before. The guy's a fucking nightmare, regardless of his lack of culpability in various moron statements by the thread starter.